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Sunday 2/12


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Hey guys,

After doing a fair bit of game fishing over the last month or so i thought it was about time i made a visit back to target my favourite inshore fighter.... Specially after some of the repots id heard on friday and saturday. we set out on saturday night and caught about 13 fresh arrows under the spit to use as fresh bait for a sunday session then went home for a few hours of shut eye before an early start in the morning.

We hit the water a few hours before light and managed 4 or 5 yakkas as well as 2 small calamari to use as livebait to add to our collection of arrows for stripping. We dropped baits at one of the marker buoys in the harbour and straight away where onto a doubble hookup on small kings. We soaked strips for a while and waited till the school came back in about another 20 minutes and released another small king. Both times the schools came through they hit our yakkas that we had out the back but didnt manage to hook up...... we had them pinned through the nose and another through the sholders but all to no avail, i was running very light drag(only enough to stop an overrun) so that they had plenty of time to swallow the bait before id push the drag up but failed to hook up.... We were using mustad hoodlums hooks, if any one has any ideas what we where doing wrong id love to hear them. After this things went a little quiet so we pulled the anchor and went in search of another school!!

We got to spot x, the one in the photos, and downrigged round a few buoys and landed two more fish nice fish.... just legal but they put up a good fight. We saw a few schools working the surface so motored over for a closer look, at first we thought they may have been kings as the surface displacement was only minimal but our plastics told us that if there was kings there that the taylor where beating them to it!!!!

After boating a few taylor we thought we would give dwonrigging north head a go, on the way out to our chosen spot we trolled an xrap along one of the drop offs for a nice fat australian salmon that would have gone close to 3 kilos and was probably bigger than any of the kings we caught all morning and was definitely the biggest i have caught! We downrigged some live yakas for about 45 minutes loosing one without a hook up on a twin hook rig with the second hook attached to the tail via a rubber band so not to sure how we could miss that one either but hey thats fishing!!!!!

All in all a good day except for some clown who was downrigging around and thought he would make himslef feel like more of a man by yelling out "nice sardines" while we were getting a photo taken with our legal size kings with the harbour bridge in the background . We were about to pelt said persons boat with a volley of squid heads but thought that it would be a waste of good bait and besides then we would have justified this fools existence.......hmmm maybe he is still wondering why he was fishing by himself instead of having a good time with mates catching some small kings. The cigarette buts he was using to burley the water with every so often obviously didnt help him either as karma prevented him from hooking a fish while we pulled in 3 in front of him!!!!!!



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Hi Craig,

Mate your on fire.

I might head out on wednesday with a mate and try a few of the usual spots.

Mate i smoke ciggies but wouldnt dream of throwing it in the water. It amazes me how many people do.

I think i give a few of my fellow fishing mates the sXXts by smoking but hey they put up with me.

Cheers mate and see ya out there.

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Good session guys,heaps of fun on those kings!I Think when kings of that size are around they probably have trouble swallowing the live yakka's, as ive found it happens to all of us,they dont mind going for them

but after taking the baits, have trouble getting them down far enough for a good hookup & they just get pulled straight back out of there mouth when striking.

When the kings are decent size say from 70cm plus they dont have much trouble nailing the live yakka as

it goes straight down & most times its instant hookup,you dont even need to let them run too far with the


But every day is different & in the end it usually comes down to what mood there in,either there aggressive or other times a bit timid.

cheers mate


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Hi Craig,

Mate your on fire.

I might head out on wednesday with a mate and try a few of the usual spots.

Mate i smoke ciggies but wouldnt dream of throwing it in the water. It amazes me how many people do.

I think i give a few of my fellow fishing mates the sXXts by smoking but hey they put up with me.

Cheers mate and see ya out there.

Yeah have had a pretty good run recently but i think its more to do with time on the water than skill.... but thats coming slowly!!!!!!!

As for the cigies, i dont smoke but i dont mind if people do around me but seeing someone throw them into the water while they are fishing just isn't good..... i have swolled a cigie butt whilst surfing once so it kinda rubs me the wrong way, not to mention it just not nice to see in the water!!!

Good session guys,heaps of fun on those kings!I Think when kings of that size are around they probably have trouble swallowing the live yakka's, as ive found it happens to all of us,they dont mind going for them

but after taking the baits, have trouble getting them down far enough for a good hookup & they just get pulled straight back out of there mouth when striking.

When the kings are decent size say from 70cm plus they dont have much trouble nailing the live yakka as

it goes straight down & most times its instant hookup,you dont even need to let them run too far with the


But every day is different & in the end it usually comes down to what mood there in,either there aggressive or other times a bit timid.

cheers mate


Yeah thats kinda what i thought.... i actually didnt get round to strikig on any of the kings as they would run off then just spit them after about 3 or 4 seconds..... My mates had been busted off by a few biggies on saturday so i was hoping to find some hoods but we only managed little guys on sunday!

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So... You’re the bastard that took all the squid from the spit, I got a big fat 0 on Sunday morning, leave some for me will ya! :biggrin2:

Lucky I took my frozen stash along :1prop:

Plenty of kings about folks so get out there!

What boat were you in? I didn't notice No Regrets out there.


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Hey Craig,

Look's like you guy's had a great time Sunday. We did too. :thumbup:

I had Dan from D&G onboard and we got a few rats as well after getting some of the smallest southern calamari's I have ever seen. They were almost going out the outlet on the bait tank!

Dan got smoked by one better fish than the 60-70cm models; so there are a few better fish mixed in with them.

We also had a JOKER annoy us by trolling a yakka so close that he managed to hookup our anchor rope and if that wasn't enough he then asked us if we would mind pulling our pick so he could retrieve his hook. You can imagine my response!!!

Meeting XXXXholes is part and parcel of fishing the harbour on the weekends now unfortunately. :thumbdown:

Anyway catch you on the water sometime, cheer's Rod.

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So... You’re the bastard that took all the squid from the spit, I got a big fat 0 on Sunday morning, leave some for me will ya! :biggrin2:

Lucky I took my frozen stash along :1prop:

Plenty of kings about folks so get out there!

What boat were you in? I didn't notice No Regrets out there.


Hey mate, the squid seem to be far more on the bite at early evening/night time i have found at the moment so while they arent live and it makes for not much sleep when you get up only 3 hours later that has been the better option for us!!! I was onboard my mates little centre console tinnie called baby blew, it had squid ink everywhere after the evening session at the spit!!!! :074: Clifford had to work on sunday otherwise im sure we would have been outside chasing some tuna and beakies.... Aparently there is another no regrets around, not sure if they fish out of sydney but have seen a pic of the boat at port stephens!!! The one im on doesnt have the name on the boat at the moment as clifford wants to respray the hull!!! I was looking for the black lab but i couldnt find him on sunday!!!!

Hey Craig,

Look's like you guy's had a great time Sunday. We did too. :thumbup:

I had Dan from D&G onboard and we got a few rats as well after getting some of the smallest southern calamari's I have ever seen. They were almost going out the outlet on the bait tank!

Dan got smoked by one better fish than the 60-70cm models; so there are a few better fish mixed in with them.

Yeah rod a great time was had by all, we managed a 66 and a 68 for our keepers the rest we around 60 but really fat healthy looking fish!!!!

I caught my 1 and only on a calamari that would have only been about 10cm at the most!!!! he was almost to qute to throw out :1prop:

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I have only encountered one real goose on the harbour (and a few others who just did'nt know any better). While they are a bloody pain and get under your skin it is best to ignore them and just enjoy the freedom to be able to fish in such a magnificent , fish rich, harbour. Move away if necessary - there is a lot of water in then harbour!!

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Great report Fishlexic.. good to see some action!!! :thumbup:

I see the Harbour proper is firing. :biggrin2:

There are many "solo know it all knockers" out there.. we have had similar experiences. It is a shame he pollutes the waterway aswell as being a knob. :thumbdown:

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Kingies have an uncanny ability to pinch yakkas off the hook and not hook up. The best way to rig them in my opinion is to either bridle them or better still use a cable tie. If there are small kings around I attach a 2nd hook near the tail. It is almost always the second hook near the tail that pins the kings especially if you are downrigging.

Cheers Kelvin

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Kingies have an uncanny ability to pinch yakkas off the hook and not hook up. The best way to rig them in my opinion is to either bridle them or better still use a cable tie. If there are small kings around I attach a 2nd hook near the tail. It is almost always the second hook near the tail that pins the kings especially if you are downrigging.

Cheers Kelvin

Thanks kelvin.... I have to give the cable ties a go!!! do you place the hook verticaly (as in the same was as the dorsil fin)????

I have tried a 2 hook rig a few times with the tail hook held to the fish with a rubber band so that is can still move around freely and while the fish swims well im yet to get a hook up on the tail hook..... Still need to give it some more time i think!

Think we saw you guys out on the water in your trophy on sunday near manly, howd you go???

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Thanks kelvin.... I have to give the cable ties a go!!! do you place the hook verticaly (as in the same was as the dorsil fin)????

I have tried a 2 hook rig a few times with the tail hook held to the fish with a rubber band so that is can still move around freely and while the fish swims well im yet to get a hook up on the tail hook..... Still need to give it some more time i think!

Think we saw you guys out on the water in your trophy on sunday near manly, howd you go???

If you have a look at alistair mcglashan's DVD, you'll see that the kings stalk the livies for a very long time. They seem to come from behind and muck around with the baits for a fair while. Often they just shadow the bait and eventually leave it alone. Of course this is while the bait is being trolled.

FOr a few years I used to lose yakkas to kings. I would wind in the line to see an empty hook. Often I was trolling a bare hook for km's before finding out what had happened. I then started to bridle them and it has secures the yakkas to the hook so much better and the kings can't pinch so easily. Give it a go. Cheers Kelvin

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