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110 Kids Have Great Fishing Day On Botany Bay


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Hey raiders

Just a quick report from last saturday's "1/12/07",Kids Fishing Day On Botany Bay which was hosted at

St.George Motor Boat Club in a joint collaboration between Botany Bay Gamefishing Club & South Sydney

A.F.A. to promote recreational fishing as a fun,safe & economical way to entertain children & give kids who

do not have access to fish aboard a boat an exciting 1 day fishing experience they can enjoy.

All up 20 skippers made up of various game boats & trailerboats donated there vessels,time & fuel to take

out over 110 kids plus adults to all parts of botany bay & try to get them into a few fish.

All the kids were given a free silstar rod & reel plus tackle box & a cap.All the 20 skipers were supplied with

a large bucket of bait which included 50 live nippers,10 live blood worms,a packet of prawns & some fresh

bottle squid.After a quick sausage sizzle for brekky & organising the kids aboard the various boats,it was

time to go fishin & with my crew of 3 kids,"angelique","nick" & "alex",aboard my 5.5m stessl "NEXUS",i was

off heading towards the kurnell oil refinery wharf were i thought it would be a perfect place to anchor up out

of the choppy conditions & burley up pretty well to try for some trevally, bream & flatties.

Here with a great selection of fresh bait & about 5 of my light tackle threadline outfits the kids were getting

lots of action & having a ball catching bream,tarwine,whiting & trevally,plus stacks of undersize red bream.

This was the spot to be & soon after we were joined in the area by some of the botany bay large game boats

"SPINDRIFT","LOCKOUT" & "MARQUEE" here it was a sight to see as each one of these vessels had a stack

of kids aboard,rods everywhere, getting among the fish as well & having a ball.

Some of the bream & whiting caught in this area among these boats were really nice fish with lots of 40cm

plus whiting & many bream in the 35 to 38cm range.

One of the 6 year old kids caught the best flathead for the day,a great effort,his first ever fish which hit

the 3 kg mark.There were 3 other good flatties caught as well just a touch smaller than that one,plus some

nice kingys with the best fish at 80cm by a 7 year old boy.

Back aboard my boat the 3 kids had put together a great catch of fish with 7 bream,3 tarwhine,2 whiting,

flathead & trevally,after the nippers & worms had runout the bite slowed right down,its here they started

getting tired & restless so at 1.30pm we called it a day,heading back to the motorboat club to clean up,have

another afternoon sausage sizzle and a few drinks .

It was a great,fun day out for all the kids,they had a ball,caught plenty of fish & im sure all the adults had

just as much fun as well.

A few photo's aboard "NEXUS" with the kids & there catch!






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Well done Nexus :thumbup:

Thats a fantastic effort to help out some kids and introduce them to this wonderful activity,we all enjoy so much.Good to see you got them on to some fish aswell.

I just hope that they get to enjoy fishing again and maybe introduce their family to fishing aswell.



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A great day as you say, evident by the looks on their faces. Congratulations to those who helped out. It is good to see so many kids out and about and enjoying a day on the bay,especially with fishing gear in hand.

CHEERS BART. :1fishing1:

Edited by bart
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I agree a great day for the tin lids, wonder how many are now HOOKED and will be pestering their parents to take em fishin :1fishing1: . Just a footnote nearly all baits were lost at the tackle shop as the racks holding them all collapsed, great work by those involved in saving the day before it had started. Bad Karma to the lady giving Tony Grief over it at the shop lol

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What a great way to get kids away from the TV or Playstation and introduce them to our fantastic sport.

My young blokes only 3 years old, but I can guarantee you that I will have him out there soon enough.

Great work Nexus :thumbup:


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Good stuff steve for giving these kids the chance to fish aboard your boat & getting them onto some nice fish

by the looks on there faces,they wont forget it in a hurry & im sure they will all be dying to do it again one

day real soon.


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Sounds like a top day.

That was a wonderful way to get kids into fishing.

Something that keeps them amused is when you turn the fish finder on and use fish symbols.

It keeps them amused for hours trying to catch the fish that appear.

Pity they didn't have 110 Fishraider stickers to give to them as it may have got the parents involved as well.



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Yes it is a shame.

If we had have known I am sure our fishraider community could have provided many, many more boats and helpers for the kids day.

A great thing to do really, well done to the organisers.

Cheers mrsswordfisherman


i would have been up for this. let us know next time

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