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Buying Fresh As Squid


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hi guys where are some places to buy fresh as squid in sydney. ill be fishing the hawkesbury for jewies friday night and never catch squid near the joey or west head, let alone pitty so i wont be trying at all this time ( im none from about 50 trips).

i would like to know if there is any good squid around which can be bought which would be worth dangling for jewies.


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how ya goen its been a while but there is or was an antique shop in brooklyn who sells hawkesbury squid, i think he might get it straight from the prawn trawlers but not sure what hes called maybe another raider can help. cant beat the live but i think u already know that, can be frustrating catching squid at times ay

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Yes, the bloke at the antique shop sells squid (frozen) and makes a killing at $30/kilo. His market is jewie tragics like myself. Don't let him slip you any pink ones though. Keep at it with the squidding though. Try around the Pittwater jetties with lights at night. Should be a matter of time.


Edited by humesy
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Forgot to mention the fish markets as well.

You might also try hailing down a trawler.

The whole business of buying fresh squid just gets mighty expensive, not to mention frustrating when the pickers are around. Or worse, the sea lice. :1badmood: That really hurts. Then there are the eels too. The way they tangle everything up.

Hang on, where the hell is the pleasure in this jew fishing caper? I'd better ask Inhlanzi for the answer to that.

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Yes, the bloke at the antique shop sells squid (frozen) and makes a killing at $30/kilo. His market is jewie tragics like myself. Don't let him slip you any pink ones though.

His contact number is 0416 231 324 you can call him at night as well as he lives there.

p.s i have never had any luck using it with the jews.

Cheers mate


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hi guys where are some places to buy fresh as squid in sydney. ill be fishing the hawkesbury for jewies friday night and never catch squid near the joey or west head, let alone pitty so i wont be trying at all this time ( im none from about 50 trips).

i would like to know if there is any good squid around which can be bought which would be worth dangling for jewies.


mate i recomend you try palm beach ferry wharf at night. i was fishing further out near the mored boats and everytime i go there at night the squid are hot as. Sometimes you find there sitting on the bottom and sometimes there on the surface. when i was there i was cathing them by smashing the net on them as they are way to fast so it might be a good idea to take a prawning net if possible and i aslo find that they are on after 12 to about 4am. if possible put a light in the water or pointing on the water to attract theses things.

hope my addvice helps read my report for a better understanding.

Good luck on the jewies and most importantly the squid.


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......Then there are the eels too. The way they tangle everything up.......

Hang on, where the hell is the pleasure in this jew fishing caper? I'd better ask Inhlanzi for the answer to that.

Just thought of something Andrew maybe we can do a deal with Ian and negotiat him down to only a one eel for one squid trade in on all the eels that we catch :lol:

Remember the 14 eel festival on that Saturay, Andrew? Remember that deformed catfish Mike, and that soapie I pulled in dead on the hook ? :074:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Adrian local squid does work best in the Hwkesbury both night and day and keeps bringing the thirty a kilo. At other places like Taren Pt and up at Lugarno livies and the larger fish baits are far better. In Burraneer the snapper that come in go for calamari squid and the jew often hit squid hard but to be sure you get everything right for the night time wait, it's always better to run livies as well.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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palmy wharf is a good spot but better with at least half tide... although you will get them anytime i find it better with some depth to the water... you get massive southerns there and last sat night i was there early and yeh there was massive school of tim tam squiddies but after i got a few a water taxi came screemin over them and spooked the school.... should not be too long till the big schools of southerns show...last few weeks only couple a sesion.......

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Hi Adrian local squid does work best in the Hwkesbury both night and day and keeps bringing the thirty a kilo. At other places like Taren Pt and up at Lugarno livies and the larger fish baits are far better. In Burraneer the snapper that come in go for calamari squid and the jew often hit squid hard but to be sure you get everything right for the night time wait, it's always better to run livies as well.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

cheers mate, we will have some livies to use also, thinking of hitting elenor bluffs as ive had good sucess there in the past. just not sure the condition of the river at the moment with all this rain.

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