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Bought A Phone, Online, Now It Has Problems ...


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THere seem to be a few cluey guys and gals on this forum, so maybe I can get some thoughts ?

I bought a phone 5 mths ago from an online shop, based in Australia and the goods came from Hong Kong. They have a land line in Oz and have spoken to the guys more than a few times (now).

1) When I initially got the package, I chucked a spaz b/c the item obviously came from Hong Kong with instruction manual in chinese etc. you get the idea and it seemed like the box was opened, which was explained as their logistics team opened it to check out the items in the box. WHATEVER.

They did offer me an exchange or refund, so based on that, I assumed that they were genuine so I said not to worry, I will keep the phone. It was a few hundred cheaper than local anyhow.

Funny that the site now sells it's items branded 'Australian Stock'. I'd like to see that ...

2) Anyway, as you would know it, the phone started playing up so I sent it back to them and as you would have it, 36 days later, they call me to tell me that the repairer advised that it has been 'water damaged'. So here I am thinking ok water damage... no, I have not swam with my phone, dropped it in the loo while hanging a leak or spilled coffee on it. So I am thinking, they sold me a fixed factory second.

The dude was courteous on the phone saying that he will try to honour the warranty even though water damage is not covered. I was about to blow my top but I politely told him I was suss when I first got the phone, box not sealed properly etc. that it was NOT NEW.

I will be calling them on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .. everyday until I get a positive response which is yes sir, fixed and on it's way back to you free of charge, under warranty.

I am giving them 10 days before I call the Dept of Fair Trading to f*($k them up. Any tips / assistance ?

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you probably would have had the same dramas out here anyway, my nokia 6233 died about a month ago and they blamed the same thing (water damage) which is fine except the phone does not go near the water!!

I now have a phone thats useless with 14 months to go on the contract! I asked for a photo which they offer to supply and its conclusive (well it conclusively means mothing to me) of a circuit board with no serials.


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A person i know had a 5140i the same as i have

and when it just stopped.

It was sent back for warranty and they said it had water damage

:074::074::074: the phone should be water resistant and dust proof and shock resistant.

once informing the sales person they said ohhhhh ummmmmm..................

he got a brand new phone.

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Shame, Stylo - there are lots of rip off stories out there just now - especially now that CDMA is stopping & people are being told that Next G or some other setup will work for them - & it doesn't!

I guess you gets what you pays for & I would only deal with a local shop next time, so you can eyeball them.

Good luck - I hope you get a refund or something, to your benefit!



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UPDATE 14/12/07

Called the buggers up twice yesterday for no response. Called today and got through to the guy I have been dealing with.

He told me that the claim has gone through and the repairer will be working on it - no charge to me.

Happy with that, but I have not been able to use this phone for over 40 days now. Still won't be buying a phone online again.

i agree with caineS go with paypal, definately worth it.

How will this work ? I bought the item 5 months ago, but I did pay with PayPal !

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Mate yours may be an isolated incident........

I have purchased 4 phones from overseas and all have been pretty good....

Paypal will only pay you back if the product is not delivered or faulty at delivery...not 5 months later...

And also Stylo, the company in Hong Kong is not under our laws, So a call to the dept of Fair trading wont do anything, our fair trading department has no power in another State let alone another country....

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Hey Netic, it is definitely an isolated incident. I know people who have bought iphones from overseas and they work just fine. Really is the luck of the draw I guess. 90% of the time people are running a legit business.

They are based in Sydney I believe or Melbourne, stuff delivered form overseas. They have an ABN and Oz business address so it is not going to be too hard for me to track them down and to get the DFT on to them, if required, but it is just too much effort for $500 phone isn't it ..

More a matter of principal that I want to get this sorted out. I can't stand for rip off merchants.

ps. Didn't think Paypal would cover me in this instance.

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