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Kings And Sambos


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I had the rare opportunity of spending a day with Craig (the guide), Mark (Hutch) and Mick from "Untamed Tracks" to discuss some opportunities for faraway fishing charters. I must say that it was good company.

We started off looking for squid and we had to work hard to get the 9 or so lolly size models. Given what happened to yesterday's charterers, Craig feared we would not have enough. Yesterday resulted in fish too good for the gear/situation. They got absolutely smoked.


The only squid big enough to cut up

The water temperature had dropped by about 2 degrees and we had some significant rain overnight, so things were a bit ominous but we dropped the lines and it was not long before the pickers moved in. Not a good sign.

Then we got a hit. I was closest to the rod and picked it up. Nothing of size but a kingy none the less.


We then had some good hits, but nothing stuck. A few more baits dropped and it was time for excitement as one of the rods goes off. Craig calls it for a sambo immediately after seeing it near the surface. What happened next was somewhat of a comedy. The sambo heads for the outboard and wraps itself around the leg. As Craig tries to release the line I take a few happy snaps then proceed to walk out onto the transom and do my thing (I had the crocs on and getting wet does not bother the plastic shoes).

By this time we have cut a few lines to try and sort the mess out. Not expecting to catch anything I lift one of the lines and I can still feel some weight. When I near the end of the line, up pops another kingy. We get him in and cut some more line and expect that to be the end of it. But no, theres more, the sambo is still on and its still pulling like crazy. Its landed and there's smiles all round.


The happy angler


Not long after all of this is happening Hutch grabs the rod with the sluggo attached and starts casting towards and area he saw a king busting up while he was filming. And boy did it hit and pull. This was a kingy of substance. After about 20 seconds, the line goes limp and the fish is lost.

Hutch is on, but not for too longpost-4273-1197443751_thumb.jpg

And that was it for the squid, so it was off to chase some sambos and kings that another guide, Justin, from Sydney Fly Fishing Charters, alerted Craig to. There were four boats chasing the busting schools with the Fly guys doing well. We didn't get any more but for us we were ready to call it a day and leave them feeding.

A great day all round.


Edited by Boban
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Great work, Mitch - top sambo! Not sure about walking around with crocs on a wet transom - I seem to go arse over tit regularly on crocs! :(

Can I ask how you scored the filming trip? He's a top guide (and a funny bastard) and I go out with him semi-regularly.

I hear what you are saying with the crocs, but it was OK. It means I didn't have to change my socks which is the only reason I bought them.

As to the filming trip well, it has to do with the two blokes from "Untamed tracks" who happen to carry a camera around with them. I am organising a few groups to go on these destination type charters and it was more a matter of circumstance. They have a web-site at www.untamedtracks.com and I think the footage will be edited and posted as a fish of the week type thing.

If the guys come to some sort of advertising arrangement with the owners then I'll post some more info about it all but at this stage I don't want to step on any toes, as I quite like Stewy and Donna.

You are right about Craig though, he is a top bloke. The first time I went with him, we just talked for hours and today was just a continuation of that. He is well known and respected for a good reason I think.

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Excellent stuff mate, I can't get over the size of the sambo and the amount of ink from the squid !!! Nice lookin king. Sounds likea great day out, shame bout the bust-off's though, but then again it makes it all the more while to try harder and enjoy the sport :1fishing1:

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