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First Report And Calamari


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G'day fellow fishos,

I'm a keen fisho who hits up the harbour regularly. This is my firts report since joining the network about a week ago. Today i ventured up to the hawkesbury in the hope of ctaching a jewie or two. Unfortunately, after waiting around 4 hours nothing eventuated :thumbdown: . However, the beauty of fishing is getting the unexpected. And catching 3 and 4 kilo calamari in 3m of water was definately unexpected!!!! I have only ever caught calamari of this size in 120ft+ off the coast. We got 6 in about an hour and a half. I've tries uploading the pic but i'm having difficulty at the moment, i'll try later.

tight lines guys!

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the calamari was caught on a yozuri jig. quite a small one actually too, a 1.5 size. Always experiemnt with colours and see whats working. Best time is def between dusk to dawn. I caught this in the early morning.

Went out today and managed to land a nice jew for the table.

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