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Botany Bay And The Cooks River


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I had one of the best days out on the water today :biggrin2:

I had onboard Andrew , a mate from work and his son Robert.

The trip was meant to be going after kingfish in the bay :074: old lazy ass me couldnt be bothered getting livies or squid and couldnt be bothered looking for bait schools.

I did buy some squid and prawns and low and behold ,Andrew scored himself a nice red or banded morwong.

Now Andrew and Rob dont fish much but have the skills to be quite proficient at casting and tying jig heads on or hooks :thumbup:

We decided to have a drift for a while and scored a million baby snapper :ranting2: .

Stuff this I thought to myself as the crew were becoming bored.

Off to the Cooks to see if we could get the lads interested in soft plastics.Well what a great move that turned out to be :yahoo: .

I had them both using my 1500 stradics with 4 lb braid and gulps in nuclear chicken and lime tiger.

They were pissing themslves laughing as I described the colours and indeed they were sceptical at the very least.

We pulled up at the mouth to the first creek and I said to them both watch what I do and do exactly the same.With eyes firmly fixed on me I fired the first cast out and let it sink and jij,jig wack zzzzzzzz and promptly landed a school jew :1yikes:

The boys seeing this started to cast with gusto and scored almost straight away on some very nice bream and flathead.

They both had taken to the softies with ease and we had a very memorable arvo catching a myriad of bream ,flathead and even a nice trevally.

I dont know what the score for the day was,but it would have to be one of the best sessions I have had for a long time and both the lads commented on how good it was to catch fish on soft plastics.

I tell you I was a very proud skipper to see both these new guys go at it on quality fish on light tackle.

We were buggered by 2.30 pm and decided that we had all had a great day out and couldnt wait to team up again for another session really soon.

The only down side was I forgot the bloody camera and it would have been great to add the pics of this top day out.

Cheers Swordfisherman

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damn sounds like a thrilling ride, it seems to always be boring at the start but then fires up when your about to leave. wish i could get out to a session with you soon stewy

We will definately make a date for a fish soon Raii once we get back from our marlin trip :biggrin2:

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I did buy some squid and prawns and low and behold ,Andrew scored himself a nice red or banded morwong.

Sounds like a nice session Stewey. Are those red moweys any good to eat. I caught a small one recently and threw him/her back but if it was bigger I would like to know if to keep it.


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Sounds like a nice session Stewey. Are those red moweys any good to eat. I caught a small one recently and threw him/her back but if it was bigger I would like to know if to keep it.


Dave ,I dont eat fish very often.

I will ask Andrew on saturday how it tasted and report back to you :biggrin2: it was around 40 cms

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You make these soft plastics sound so easy Stewy. I bet you had a good idea of where the fish were and when the tide was about right.

I reckon catching that jew up there didn't surprise you at all.

Good effort mate.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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When I forget my camera I can catch hundreds of fish :biggrin2:

I think I might leave the cameras at home for the marlin trip.

Seriously now, did you try any top water stuff up there, or were you more on a guiding mission and sticking to what was producing the goods. Im hanging to get back on the poppers as soon as I make some time. If only I owned a unit, I would have all the time in the world.

See ya soon. Bring it on....

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Stewy's fishing tours

has a good sound to it mate what do ya recon....

gota beat doing shift work and a office on the water... ahhhhhhh

but we can only dream of that stuff eh.....

great work getting the guys onto some action....

cheers... steve.....

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A bit like Byron said, you had it all planned out didn't ya mate....take the fellas out, see what their patience is like, see if you can score anything...but what you were really thinking was "hahaha just wait till I show these fellas this other location, the Cooks River, then they'll be in for something." Then out comes the skill and awe, look here fellas, you were doing it all wrong, this is how you've gotta do it!!

Can't let em get into the goods right away now aye Stewy, gotta test their patience and frustration first.

Sounds like a nice session and would be much appreciated by the fellas. Nice work on gettin them onto the Sp's. You make it sound too easy though. lol :1prop:

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Seriously people ,it is easy on plastics if you can cast at the right spots and all you have to do is give the plastics a little bit of life and the fish will smash em :biggrin2:

I have taken many new people out and they all score fish if they can cast and watch what is going on around them.

Most of the fish were tight on the bank and if you landed your plastics anywhere within a foot you would get an instant hit.

The boys did exactly what I showed them and it made my day very pleasurable as well because I could just grab the landing net for them :yahoo:

Dammmmmmmmmmmm I would have loved to get the pictures of all the fish we caught (spewing) :(

Everyone who hankers for a go at plastics should give it a go and there is no secret on how its done,just put your plastic in the water at a rods length and move it around and you will see how it performs.

Jighead selection is important and the lighter the better. You need it to sink slowly in the current and reach the bottom in most cases.

In shallow water which I mostly fish ,1/20th is plenty and 3 inch gulps are tops in my book.

4lb fireline and a light 4 or 6lb trace at around a rod length will get you all the bream you want as well as flathead and the odd school jew.

Cheers Stewy.

I did drop another school jew as well when the hook pulled :tease: I was using my new sol I got off Johnno with 10lb crystal and gave everything no chance :074:

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Sounds like a nice session Stewey. Are those red moweys any good to eat. I caught a small one recently and threw him/her back but if it was bigger I would like to know if to keep it.


I asked Andrew today and he said it quite reasonable on the plate and much better than the trevally :biggrin2:

Cheers Stewy

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