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Sydney Harbour


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After all the raiders king reports i was keen to get out try my luck.

The aim for the day was to get brooke her first king, and hopefully score one myself.

Hit the water a bit late, 7am. With the late start i didn't like our chance off catching a few squid. Luck was on our side today, and we manage to pick up 4 within 20 min's.

Not wasting any more time we headed back to our chosen spot. What a difference 30min's makes, there were two boats there on the way out and 10+ when we got back. Not wanting to waste any more time i quickly rigged up a rod and gave it to Brooke. We don't have a downrigger so i dropped the electric and started to slowly move through the area. Within minutes Brooke was on. After a few runs and plenty of arm stretching brooke's first king hit the boat. At 64cm she was more than happy :yahoo: . After a few quick photo's the fish was released.


We manage another king at 62cm, with the remaining squid. Both kings were taken on the smaller bait's. The two larger squid were pinched without hooking up. Is there any way i can increase the hook up rate, or should i have cut them up and used them as strip bait's?



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We manage another king at 62cm, with the remaining squid. Both kings were taken on the smaller bait's. The two larger squid were pinched without hooking up. Is there any way i can increase the hook up rate, or should i have cut them up and used them as strip bait's?



hi Dean,

Have you tried using a 2 hook rig on the bigger baits? that way you can increase your chances of more hook ups and i find it especially good when using whole squid as the heads misteriously disappear all to often. Its always good to have some big baits out incase of a bigger fish but i tend to find the guts work very very well.

Well done and good luck for next time!

We're getting our new boat this week so can't wait to get amongst them!


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great work on the kings,

i actually remember seeing brooke onto the kingy, :thumbup:

with the squid, if your running low it doesnt hurt to strip one up and send it down,

if there hungry they will smash a strip just as much as a full squid..


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great work on the kings,

i actually remember seeing brooke onto the kingy, :thumbup:

with the squid, if your running low it doesnt hurt to strip one up and send it down,

if there hungry they will smash a strip just as much as a full squid..


just on this topic of using squid, i have 2 Q's:

how big do u make strips? like how wide/long etc

and i caught :1fishing1: 2 mini cuttles in the consistant rain last night (bored) about 12-15cm mantle length, and when i bought them up, i put them down on the wood (which was wet with rain), and then strait into zip lock bags. about 2 minutes after going into the zip lock bags, one side of them goes WHITE, im talking like covered-in-a-layer-of-shaving-cream white, i think it was to do with the fresh water/rain hitting them? got them home, froze them, this morning all is good and they look normal. Whats up with this??



p.s. for cuttles that small, do u strip them or just send it out in 2 pieces, mantle and heads? ta! :thumbup:

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Seb with little cuttles like the one's you caught I'd whack a 5/0 or two in it and send it out whole...

You can strip them up if you want but if they're that small there isn't much point..

As for squid strips they can be as big or as small as you want, the one's I cut are usually 15-20cm long, and maybe 3-4cm wide.

This obviously depends on the size of the squid and the size of the fish you're targetting..




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Hi all

Thanks for the advice. I did see a few other raiders out there, just don't know who you all are yet.

I'll cut my last bait up next time, and the rest will go down with a two hook rig.



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