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Team Up Ya Go Into The Kings


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after reading many reports of "kings everywhere dad(flightmanager) and i decided to hit the harbour on sunday really early and leave about one so dad could get back home to get ready for work.

Tried to sleep saturday night but was too pumped and sat up staring at the clock till about 12:30ish when i fell asleep and was promptly woken up at 2:30 to go fishing. :yahoo:

limited to only 2 rods each i had to choose wisely so a plastics rod for the livies and for fun an abu garcia muscle tip with a shimano fx4000fb for the kings loaded up the boat smashed down breaky and we were off.

Arrived at rose bay about 4:30-5and headed off to the "red marker" just outside rosebay flicked around some plastics for nothin forabout an hour and by then the sun was starting to come out so we started to head over to balmoral to get some yakkas backed up got our livies and made the break for north head anchored up their and set out the kingfish spread live and butterflied yakka and some squid strip all set out now to play the waiting game.

look to the right big bend in the rod and then nothing pull up an empty hook slap on another livie and send hem down holding onto the rod this time within 2 minutes hes hit and the lovely zzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzz zz confirms its a king an after a nice fight i boat a 63cm kingy and first on a livie a quick snap and off he went



smacked on another livie and dropped him down on the drop he gets smashed and im on straight away, after a bit more fighting i pull up a nice 68cm kingy and a new pb for me :thumbup::thumbup::yahoo:post-2225-1202183051_thumb.jpg

after hat we had to head back of to balmoral to get more yakkas as we were out got their and realised we left the other cans of whiskers at home so we mulled up some old yakkas and slimies got our yakkas after alot of work getting them up pulled up anchor and headed to the yellow marker for nothing but a drift in the rain so up again with the anchor and off to clifton gardens sent out the same spread and an even longer round of the waitng game then i am hit on the live yakka within about 20 seconds im in the reef and busted off couldnt stop this one :ranting2::ranting2:

and within a 180 degree turn dads over head kicks into life and after a good fight flightmanager lands a nice 67 harbour king and were out of livies again but not to worry some fellow raiders are calling it stumps and offer us some yakkas via air mail i get sent one strait from the hook and place my hook aboout 15mm further down its back and send him down again dad does the same witha fresh one within 20 seconds im on and line is screaming of the 4000 drags locked up he stopped got back some ground and he started to run again similar to a yellowfins first run into the reef and pop thats all she wrote and then bang dads on again after a really good fight i trace up a 73cm king for him high 5s all round and we call it stumps and head back to the ramp in the rain.

all in all a top days fishing and well worth the early wakeup and time in the rain for a good result.

here are some pics



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Top report there No 1!

I was swimming in the Cole Classic on Sunday morning and as I was getting the shuttle bus down from the parking on North head I saw a few boats out in the rain - you must have been one of them.

Looks like the kingies are there for anyone with the boat to chase 'em.

BTW - did you know that you can catch good yakkas off Rose Bay wharf itself? No need to go to balmoral for your livies, just spend half an hour picking them up at the ramp before you head off.

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Great report Brett and congrats on the new PB.

Sounds like you blokes had a great day chasing the kings and getting bricked

by the whoppers.

A good result after a long day in the rain.

Yeah, that rod bend is something else eh? Makes for all the more excitement when

they bend 'em like that.

Gonna miss you guys at the Kingy Social



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Sounds like a good days Kingy fishin was had, and congrats on your pb King :thumbup:

Did Ross notice that he was being stalked from behind by that big Pelican in the last pic, I

think he had intentions of giving Ross a peck and pinching one of your Kings :biggrin2:


Edited by penguin
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Top Job there guys. great report and congrats on some good fish. The surface looks smooth. Great to fish in the rain but leave the wind out of it. Gotta laugh about the whiskas. A mate of mine brought a can on my boat and used it in the berley bucket at the back of the boat. About 10 minutes later guess what came up the trail. A cat fish :wacko: , no lie. I laughed, he couldn't believe it :1yikes: , nor could I. I've banned it on my boat.

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well done guys....

sounds like it was a great kingy session...

congrats on new pb brett

i can just see it now, that pelican grabbin your kingy ross an you having a tug-o-war an slippen straight on your backside and mr percival gobbling down your hard earned kingy then doing the pelican laugh.......

cheers... steve....

Edited by roosterman
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well done guys....

sounds like it was a great kingy session...

congrats on new pb brett

cheers... steve....

Oh Pleaseeee Rooster,

They didnt moore next to the "No-Fishing" sign-under the Spit Bridge

They weren't under cover, yet still getting wet,-in my boat

Flamin Hell, Paris, aka #1 son, aka Brett, didnt have my 27.5 rods hanging off the boat!

I wasn't there to snore the night away with Ross-aka Flightmanager,

They didnt moore at the Police mooring

And no-one said that he would hook up 1.00am!!!!! (In House Joke)

I reckon he's full of bulldust!

Check them fish for newspaper wrapping!

And......................... where on earth did Dad find those dead-gutted fish ???????????????

I am sooooooooo...............jealous


Jealous Stumpy

Oh, Yeah........Paris, I forgot to say............Dad is away at the moment so I know I can get away with a post like this...hahaha

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Congratulations on your PB Kingfish Brett.

Glad you bled them and kept the gut in Ross. It's best to leave it in and cook them the next day otherwize rigour mortis sets in giving you the usual kingfish smell which is not unlike horse manure.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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funny that some of you should be saying the pelican looked like it was going for the king because thats exactly what it did and dad had to beat it off with the kingy in his other hand.



Why didnt u get a pic of Ross swinging the King, That would have made for a top laugh :074::074:


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It was a great days fishing , seems like every now and then when we hit the Harbour , we bring torrential rain , but also lots of fish !! ( Remember Easter weekend last year Boof? :074: ).

Im really lucky to have Brett as my constant fishing buddy , he watches all the fishing shows and DVD's , then tells me what Im doing wrong the next time we go out !! Talk about a learning curve!!

Brett has pretty much covered the fishing , so I will give the weather report.

We launched at about 0445 , and the Harbour was like glass . No rain , but there was a bit of cloud cover , and it was quite humid. No wind to speak of ( I hate wind!! :ranting2: ) , and only a very moderate swell.

Then it started to rain . Then it rained some more. After a few hours of this , we had a slight change in the weather . It absolutely pissed down! From CG , it was impossible to see the skyline of Sydney for the rain! I felt so sorry for those intrepid raiders anchored next to us in an open Polycraft!! Didnt seem to dampen their enthusiasm at all ! :thumbup:

Headed back to Rose Bay at about 1345 , and Brett wanted some shots of my fish . I assumed the position , holding my 2 fish aloft , when I felt a tug on the fish , and a loud clacking noise ! Damned pelicans ! :ranting2::ranting2::mad3: I dropped the fish , but quickly grabbed it up while beating the wretched bird off with the other kingy!!

Returned home slightly damp , but very happy with the days fishing , 2 PBs in the one day , one each for father and son !!


P.S. Stumpy , you are sooooo dead !!!


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It was a great days fishing , seems like every now and then when we hit the Harbour , we bring torrential rain , but also lots of fish !! ( Remember Easter weekend last year Boof? :074: ).

Im really lucky to have Brett as my constant fishing buddy , he watches all the fishing shows and DVD's , then tells me what Im doing wrong the next time we go out !! Talk about a learning curve!!

Brett has pretty much covered the fishing , so I will give the weather report.

We launched at about 0445 , and the Harbour was like glass . No rain , but there was a bit of cloud cover , and it was quite humid. No wind to speak of ( I hate wind!! :ranting2: ) , and only a very moderate swell.

Then it started to rain . Then it rained some more. After a few hours of this , we had a slight change in the weather . It absolutely pissed down! From CG , it was impossible to see the skyline of Sydney for the rain! I felt so sorry for those intrepid raiders anchored next to us in an open Polycraft!! Didnt seem to dampen their enthusiasm at all ! :thumbup:

Headed back to Rose Bay at about 1345 , and Brett wanted some shots of my fish . I assumed the position , holding my 2 fish aloft , when I felt a tug on the fish , and a loud clacking noise ! Damned pelicans ! :ranting2::ranting2::mad3: I dropped the fish , but quickly grabbed it up while beating the wretched bird off with the other kingy!!

Returned home slightly damp , but very happy with the days fishing , 2 PBs in the one day , one each for father and son !!


P.S. Stumpy , you are sooooo dead !!!


Well what da ya know, 2 pelicans at the ramp, one after another.
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