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Little Jewgaffer-jewfish Determination Perseverence Pics


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Hi I have a bit of time on my hands today and I've been thinking about the past few years since I had a heavy fall, back fractures and a subsequent back operation.

I decided to keep moving, driving and fishing after the fall although I could hardly make it to the car.

My youngest grandson Little jewgaffer was only about 6 years old at the time and was determined to keep me fishing and himself of course and he was encouraging me almost every day to get up and out on the water as often as possible. It was as though he had the insight to know and do what was best for me.

When he was very little, we did a lot of Bass fishing at Cobbity and landbased fishing for jew on the Hawkesbury, Taren Pt and Lilli Pilli.

After I had the fall, Little Jewgaffer used to walk down a steep embankment near the bridge at Cobbity with all the gear strapped around his shoulders like a little pack horse, while I slid down the grassy slope behind him, not knowing how on earth I was going to get back up but not caring much either, knowing he would work something out with the ropes and I knew that Little Jewgaffer would find a lot of extra strength when the time came.

Not long afterwards we took a boat up to the Hawkesbury to get me out of the house and away from rigging up leaders for friends and sitting on ebay all day long and feeling sorry for myself.

I was just wondering how many other members have a son or a grandson who are so devoted to fishing and to helping them out as much as Little Jewgaffer is.

Perhaps other members would like to take a kid along who would like to catch a jewfish with Little Jewgaffer one day.

These are some photos of Little Jewgaffer on the job and the excitements and the disappointments show up in his young face.

I hope that you can relate to a kid's enjoyment of fishing and that you enjoy the pics below :-

EDIT I was able to get these pics on but I'll have to get a few of his better size fish on in another post I think.

Happy with a small jew


Near tears with a six inch miniature jew on his paternosta rig


In a happy mood with a jew


Supporting a jew for a pic in the hot midday sun


Saying a see you later


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Great little story jewgaffer,

I wish my kids were as keen to go fishing as little jewgaffer.I only managed to get them out ocassionaly,which will probably be even less this year as my son has started his first year of REP soccer and has a very busy training schedule even at 11.

Look forward to the photos.



Heres a photo of my boy,Nathan(11) at windang a few weeks ago.


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I take the neighbours kids or any one else's kid fishing if they want to - just the float with bread is enought to catch small bream & mullet. They usually have a ball! They often mention it again, years later!

Get your kids into fishing & that is all they will want to do on weekends! This will keep them off the streets & out of trouble, and actually contributing to the household .... fresh fish! They learn skills for life. It could even become an occupation, like the young guns in the bream & bass comps! What a lifestyle!

You are one lucky man, Byron, to have a grandson like Little Jewgaffer! Terrific!


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Hi Jewgaffer

as i mentioned to you before in our phone conversation i also have broken my back.My accident was a bit over 25 years ago now, i know only to well what a toll it takes from your life,things that most take for granted become almost imposible with out a good mate to help

My best mate is Kane my youngest son who loves fishing as much as me,he is 9 now and a huge help to me, he is my little pack horse ,he is also my extra walking stick through the mud and the net man when the blue swimmers are on or whatever else he can scoop up in it

His love of fishing, willingness to help and the exitement i see in his face will keep us fishing together for all our lives I hope

we cannt play footy or soccer together but we will allways be able to fish




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It all brings a tear to the eye!! With all the doom and gloom you see and read today it's nice to see what people are really all about. Get out there and enjoy life, she's all too short. All the best to you and little jewgaffer, I hope there are many more fish together.......


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Thats one great kid you have there mate, and he is such a very lucky grandson to have poppy around who loves him and spends alot of time to show him the ropes.


he will always talk about and remember the experiences that you have shared with each other for many years to come.

These are the stories such as yours that show the true meaning of being alive.



Twin 1

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credit to you Jewgaffer...you sound like a great role model to your grandson and and im sure you will enjoy plenty more great memories with him in the future. I hope when i finally have my own kids i can do the same for them and their kids.

Cheers to you and Little Jew Gaffer and the rest of you who realy take the time out to share our favorite pastime with the youngsters :thumbup:

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Fantastic little fishing buddy you've got there mate. If you've read many of my posts you know how proud and happy it makes me that Little Slinky is such a fantastic fishing companion. I spent yesterday evening teaching her (at her request) how to tie uni knots.

I had a serious illness and years of operations a few years back and having family around you is absolutely the best medicine you can get. The smile on Little Jewgaffer's face says it all. Glad that you've grown such a top little Raider.

If you ever want crew for a day out, I'd jump at the chance with my little Gemma. I've only just broken my Jewie virginity and she'd love to nail one. I'd happily reciprocate chasing kings.

Cheers, Slinky


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great post as usual Byron

the joyful smiles fishing puts on the kids is worth gold...

i get more buzz outa my roosterboy getting squid or even small baitfish than me battling a kingy....

little jewgaffer is sure getting a big headstart fishingwise that most could only dream of....

i know i cherished the time i spent with my ol man fishing and im sure LJG does with pop.....

we will have to get that new boat of yours blooded with a big girl soon up the hawks...

cheers.... steve....

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I love my kids and as many may have seen, I love bragging about them! :biggrin2:

This is a top thread and I hope we see more pics of kids fishing.

Better yet, why dont we see them all at the Kingy Social????????????

The Swordies have set up great prizes for the kids in the last years socials ! To tell the truth, EVERY kid at last years kingy social got a very good rod real combo! Times are a lot harder, so it probably wont happen again, but they all loved the quality time with their parents regardless!

The fact that I had 24 hrs of fun with my kids will always beat a prize ,but to see the smiles on the kids faces in the above pics says it all (Slinky, Arked,Jewgaffer):thumbup:

Now that Mrs Stumpy and I are separating,you tend to take these moments more seriously...............


Stumpette 1


Stumpette 2


Stumpette Stumpy Jnr !



(Now that I have been serious, I will have to go and put some sh&t on Flightmanagers last Fishing Report)

hehehehe :1prop:

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Hey Little Jewgaffer

You are lucky to have a Grandad who is a fishing nut keep on looking after him.

Great memories for you both.

Hey Jewgaffer make sure the young fella gets all he info and the spots A to Z and the rigs then he can take us fishing when we are old timers.



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  • 1 year later...

Isn't that a good story, onya Byron you are a good Pop, and yes I can still recall my time with my Dad and Pop pumping nippers at Mainbar and catching whiting, and as previously mentioned with all the doom and gloom around the world it is good to read these cheery good hearted posts..

Thanks Byron..


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