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Team Upyago Hits The Harbour


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Well, I was invited to join Team UpYaGo for a trip on the harbour to do some serious damage to the kingfish population by that furry skipper Flightmanager Ross and No.1 Son Brett.

It was a spectacular day on the harbour after all the rain. We met at Rose Bay ramp at 0530 and there was Ross helping out a nice looking craft that was having engine trouble in the dark.

He managed to get them going again in no time after they asked if he had a certain wrench that they obviously didn't have...Ross rumages around in his kit and produces just the right tool and gets them on their way.

Might have to start calling him NRMA from now on and get him a yellow flashing light for his cap..

Off we go into the wild blue dark yonder headed for Balmoral for some yakkas. The sun was just peeking through as we burleyed them up with Ross's secret recipe of herbs and spices that smelled reminiscent of a cross between old socks and lobster bisque...interesting concoction there mate!

He had 5 litres of this stuff which we intended using as burley all day to raise kings, but the yakkas were being coy about coming up so it was all used up just trying to gather enough livies for the next stop on the harbour parade...Old Man's Hat.

With about 12 livies aboard and the pick dropped at a likely spot on the sounder at OMH, down went the first of the livies, a whole fresh garfish that was still had a sparkle in it's eye it was so fresh... a squid strip and a peeled prawn.

Well..the livie was still alive half an hour later completely unmolested, as was the gar and the only thing that took a liking to the prawn was a Maori Wrasse caught by the skipper.

After another hour there waiting for the kings to arrive, which they never did...it was decided to hit Clifton.

Got there with higher expectations on Mr Seriola being about and out went the same assortment of smorgasbord fishy delights...all dripping in Glowbait...The whole Clifton area looked like a green neon sign there for a while when this stuff was used liberally. it's great on your clothes and skin too I found when I got in the shower when I got home..I thought something terrible had gone wrong with my bodily functions as this green neon stuff was flowing down my legs...arrrgh!!

Anyway..no sign of kingies AT ALL at Clifton, but Ross managed a nice flattie (42cm) and a decent bream.

Brett was busy up the bow, which is now officially called "The Office" as that's where he does his damndest with SP's flicking the artificials in all directions for not much.

All the while, I'm switching baits, hooks, untangling tangles and generally getting nowhere fast.

The call goes out ...let's go over to Spot X and see if there's anything about there.

This is where it gets interesting..I'm blindfolded, told to lay face down on the deck and a blanket is thrown over me and assorted rods, eskys and burley buckets piled on top of me until I'm finally freed when we get there..(little did they know I fish there regularly Bwwhhaaa) :074::074:

So out goes the assortment of baits and SPs and fish-hog Flighty is on again with a nice bream at 32cm.

3 big bustoffs which were called as kings, but no match for 6lb braid and ping...all on Ross's rod.

Brett got one big hit on a yakka which chomped it clean in half...Not a happy camper.

Ross then gets a nice hit and this thing does some amazing runs and is called for a rat king or a good trevor...up comes the biggest yakka you've ever seen...32cm long...out comes the hook and in goes a bigger one in his back...more glowbait and this thing lights up Spot X like Kings Cross at night.

Ross gets busted off twice more but bustoffs don't fill the kill tank.

Time is finally called about 2pm as we'd run out of yakkas...mostly molested by squid or drowned or bored to death near the bottom with a hook in their backs.

Back to Rose bay ramp and Flighty says "I bet there's a busload of Japanese tourists there again taking pics as almost every time he returns, they appear.

Sure enough...pulling up to the wharf..here comes the bus!! and out come the cameras. I think they think he's some kinda celebrity :smoke: and with Brett in his signature Berkeley shirt that looks more suited to a dragster driver with no room for more logos...the snappers all shooting pics of the stars of the show.

The fish caught..four bream, one flattie and the old wrasse became celebrities in their own right with Ross explaining what they were in his best Japanese which sounded decidedly Italian :1prop:

I think he was also trying to sign them up as raiders, so expect some "different" posts soon :tease:

After one or two pics of the japanese tourists celebrity sighting..it was time to say a big thankyou to the crew of the good ship UpYaGo.

Thanks guys for a great day on the harbour...at least I got most of the yakkas...some consolation eh?

Here's some pics of the day..enjoy.

Cheers,(A fishless)



Brett in "The Office"


Ross putting some pain on a bream


The bream finally


Who ate my yakka


The days catch


Ross turning Japanese


No, Flathead..not frathead


That's right..a Blim

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Pity bout the lack of kingy hook ups, well nice to see something there at least mate. The japanese tourists, now that would've really been something to see.

All Hail Ross :074: Pro Fisherman. Who knows mate, might even get called up to Japan to show them a thing or two...just be sure to tell them you were going for bream and flathead instead of kings ;)

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Hmm, really not much for me to say , Pete has pretty much covered it all !! Very disappointing on the King front , we had high hopes of catching at least one , as reports for the last week had been very promising!

Still , a great day out on the Harbour , weather was perfect , and I did manage to catch a few fish !! Ya cant go past a peeled prawn I sez !! The boys tried every trick in the arsenal , every rig known to man ( and some that werent! :074: ) , got a couple of hookups , but sadly , no fish into the boat!

The poor old Crestfires drag got a severe workout today , with several solid hook ups , but the 6lb Rapala braid was just no match for whatever it was that was down there !! Might have to go to 8lb .........

As Pete mentioned , I landed a PB Yakka at 32 cm , looked like a small kingy coming into the boat !! They pull hard when they are little , when they get to this size , they really fight hard ! :thumbup:

All in all , a great day out on the water , it was a lot of fun having Mallacoota Pete onboard , looking forwrad to doing it all again soon !!

A funny thing happened on the way home. As we were crossing the Anzac bridge , Brett said " Theres our *$%#^&% Kingfish". I said what the hell are you talking about ? The pic below explains all !!


#1 Sons School of Fishing Knots



The Crew of the Good Ship Up Ya Go !


Our international Admirers !



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Good on you Pete you did very well on the livies :thumbup:

I think in view of that damning evidence of multiple bust offs by obviously good size kingfish it's time to up the line to 80lb braid and 80lb leader on those critters and show them who is the boss and be done with it. A twenty five pound rod will still give you all the sport you need.

Nice to have an audience back on the wharf. I was once told the Japanese equivalent of flathead translates back to boofhead.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Seems like every time I read one of the Team Upyago posts it involves helping some poor unfortunate with a broken down boat. Not sure if that means you're nice guys or like a mini bermuda triangle floating around the harbour.

Some nice fish even without the kings... thanks for leaving them unmolested for little Slinky and I to catch this weekend.

Cheers, Slinky

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bad luck on the kings fellas,

but a good feed of fish anyway,

entertaining read, and im thinking about the pb yellowtail do you have a pic of it?

No pic unfortunately..he had a big hook in his back and was back in the drink before I got a chance to pick up the camera. It was one solid looking yakka though..I thought it was a small kingie at first.


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Great report Pete, pity about your catch!!!

(Sounds more like my effort of recent)

You know............looking at the Pic of those Japanese Tourists, I actually think they were asking Ross to leave his cap on as the little bald patch was playing havoc with their flash photography---its such a shiny head :074:



The poor old Crestfires drag got a severe workout today , with several solid hook ups , but the 6lb Rapala braid was just no match for whatever it was that was down there !! Might have to go to 8lb .........

Never bring a Knife to a Gun-Fight dude :1prop:

Loser! :biggrin2:



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Slinky , if you and Lil Slinky score any kings with small circle hooks on 12lb fluoro leader stuck in their gobs , could I please have the hooks back? :074::074:

As for the broken down boat , it was pure luck on their part , I had the right tools , and even the right cable to get 'em going again! I'd almost forgotten I had it in the boat! I think that is rescue # 7 in the last 10 weeks or so. Maybe I am the kiss of death for other boats :1yikes:

Stumpy ,

You are soooooo dead !!!! :ranting2:


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....I had the right tools , and even the right cable to get 'em going again! ....

I've noticed a boat getting around on the Hawkesbury all set up like a Mister Whippy providing snacks hamburgers and hot coffee. Rather than being abandoned as a futile proposition perhaps Team Upyago could be put to some use by touting repairs and cable solutions by megaphone as well as giving religious advice on Sundays under the banner of Team Saveya :074:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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