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Another Great Session


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Well, the weather started out as predicted ... raining, but not heavy enough to deter us from another bream session. Tried the same area we hit last week, with similar results. :thumbup: Come 11am, sun came out, wind dropped and rain vanished!

The fish were a lot better quality and there were no tailor around. My first fish for the morning was a 40cm whiting. 95% of the fish were caught over weed beds covered with less than 6"of water. :1yikes:

The majority of the fish were caught on assorted poppers (Bassday and Sure Catch), although I managed 4 good fish on a clear NW Pencil I purchased this week. Some of the larger fish hit the lure while it was stationary, but most wanted it moving. Used 6lb vanish leader for both poppers and pencils. Kept a couple of fish for my elderly neighbours. :thumbup:

Vital stats: Start-7:00am, Finish 1:30pm. 33 bream and 1 whiting. 25 bream over 30cm! (apologies for the quality of the photo)



Edited by Hodgey
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Damn Hodgey you get some legendry results.

Unfortunately my Grandfather just sold the Tuross Heads caravan.

When I get there again I am either going to have to sleep in the boat or at the foot of your bed.

Look out next time you wake up.


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Well done Hodgey!! Done it again! That whiting would have been a surprise. Nice looking bream, too! :)

Brought my poppers down to Sydney Town, but have stuck with blackies so far ..... weather has not been too good tho.



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Nicely done Hodgey. You should do a full topic describing the waters and types of locations where you are getting good fish to rise in what would be a rather limited opportunity. Recognition of spots and surroundings and awareness of conditions and perseverence like that is what separates the best tournament fishermen from the rest of the field.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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