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Fishing Anzac Day


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gday all,

due to the great weather weve had for the last 2 weeks i decided to go for a fish in the rain on anzac day, i thought ill just go for a flick with some plastics up in cowan creek.

morning was good no rain .....this is good i thought , anyway on the fishing front was not the best , a lot of undersize fish but it was good just being out on the water. then come about 8.30 a got a nice hit , gees boys this one feels alright as it came up ive seen colour its a nice tailor and the F#CK me who follows the tailor up a school of about 10 kings the biggest ones going easy 1 metre, my brother in the boat starting throwing everything we had at them but they didnt stay around for very long so bad luck on the kings but at least we saw em

not much else for the rest of the day alot more undersize stuff anyway the tailor went 56cms not bad on my 2-4kg plastics outfit with 8 pound braid and 8 pound mono leader , lucky i hooked him in the corner of the mouth so he couldnt chew my leader up.


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