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Poppin' The Cherry


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For the past 18 months or so I've had the burning desire to pull a big mulloway from the suds.

It has gotten to the point where my quest has turned into somewhat of an obsession, the more fishless trips i have, the more determined i am to have another crack. When the tides and moons align in to a perfect little window of opportunity, nothing could keep me away, even though it may mean working 9 hours, then driving two hours up the coast, fishing for six hours then driving back, having two hours sleep then working again, only to recover for one night before doing it all again.

When i noticed the new moon and accociated large tides, coinciding with an active time for jewies in the location i frequent, plans were made for a few days off the grind stone so i can concentrate on my quest.

Stewy and I made plans to make the run up the coast, We hit the salmon in the morning, then targeted Mulloway that night. Stewy managed a soapie, and apart from a 70cm catty it was a quiet night. (see other post)

The following day we came back home. That arvo i made a solo run back up the coast. got on the beach at about 5, and by 5.30 i had two just legal tailor swimming in my bucket. I promtly put an 8/0 through ones nose and sent it out. The last rays of light had only just faded into the inky blackness of a new moon night. My livie had been out for about 10 minutes when it was picked up, it draged about 1-2m of line from my dis-engaged calcutta 700 before it was dropped. I clicked the reel in gear. As i felt the bait being hit again, i dropped the rod tip, as soon as i felt weight come on i struck, the 8/0 found its mark and line started peeling off heavy drag.

After a few spirited runs and some rattling head shakes, i had him on the sand. In the brilliant light of my LED headlamp, the beauty of this fish became apparent.

I was left standing alone on the beach, bursting with exitment and pride, and that warm satisfied feeling which can only come from achieving a goal and realising a dream.

I thought the urge to catch these magnicant fish may subside a little once i've landed one, but let me tell you, all i want to do now is get back up there!






It went 8kg or 17.5lb and was bang on 100cms

I would like to say a huge thankyou to both Stewy (Swordfisherman) and Grant (Jewhunter) for there assistance and advice, you have helped me accomplish my goal, and i don't think i'd be writing this post without your guidence. Not to mention being bloody good mates too! I really appreciate it.



Edited by OutdoorDan
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well done Dan.. :thumbup:

gotta be happy with that result eh....

was there any others being pulled from the beach up there...

congrats and hope his bigger brethren decide to sample your offerings next trip eh...


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WoooHooooo!!!!! :yahoo::yahoo:

Dan, I am sooo happy for you. It's one thing to give advice to people but it is then up to that person to make it happen. You have put so much time, effort & thought into what you have been doing. Nevagivup! The rewards are worth it I reckon.

100cm & 8kg's is a nice fish. Good practice for the next one. :biggrin2:

Big congrats mate. I'm sure you will nail that big 20kg + jew from the beach soon. Now that I want to see! :thumbup:



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Mate, I'll crack a big one, one day. I won't stop till i do, thats the next landmark

hopefully you'll get a chance sometime to soak a bait with us before too long.

I battered up a few off cuts for dinner tonight, and they taste damn good.

I'm all for a bit of catch and release, but i'm bloody glad this one came home with me.

...and the worst thing about it, I get to enjoy it for the next few days. :thumbup:


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I battered up a few off cuts for dinner tonight, and they taste damn good.

I'm all for a bit of catch and release, but i'm bloody glad this one came home with me.

...and the worst thing about it, I get to enjoy it for the next few days. :thumbup:



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:frozen: + :1fishing1: = :yahoo:

That's a top report, Dan, and some great photos! :thumbup:

To land a fish of that size, (which is famous for its fighting ability), against the ebb and pull of the surf, is certainly an achievement. Congratulations, and I look forward to reading about your next big one.


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Fantastic catch Dan :yahoo: How exciting!

Inhlanzi is spot on. Enjoy the journey :biggrin2:



Bloody awesome mate!!!! I'm still on the hunt for my first. Just when i start to lose faith, a report like this gets me back on the hunt!

Top fish mate - well done!

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