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Poppin' The Cherry


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Well done Dan.

Definitely one to remeber.

I would have to say that you are certainly not the only person on Fishraider for whom fishing has become a bit of an obsession. I know I could be counted in that group. It's great to see that your persistence has paid off.


Graham. :beersmile:

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Good effort Dan. It takes a lot of effort and perseverence to catch a good jewfish like that off the beach. :thumbup: School jew around that size being caught off the beaches is a good indication of the school size that come in at this time of year.

Well done and congratulations.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Well done dan on the nice jew. I know what it feels like to put in the hours for not much reward, but when it comes it is well deserved. I pulled a nice speciman from down south measuring 155cm. nothing beats a good jew fight. :thumbup::thumbup:

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I could tell you, but then id have to kill you :1prop:

...Or I'd get a Boot up the arse for opening my gob. :chair::bash:

All I'll tell you is its local. :biggrinthumb: But i don't think the key to success is all about location, alot of sydneys and central coast beach's have been known to produce mulloway, I think the main contributing factors to success are:

Using only the best baits, catch your own, get down to the beach 3 hours early and dedicate this time to collecting bait. Fish for Tailor, or walk around to the rocks and catch some yakkas or jig up some Squid. It is well worth the effort to get your livies.

Take note of the Moon phases, tides and barometer, While not everyone believes in this "mumbo jumbo", I do, and i believe it makes good sense. Even if only to motivate me to concentrate my full efforts on these periods. When your confident you stay focussed longer.

To be succuessful with these ausome fish takes dedication, as this dedication and a little optimism may be all you have to rely on during those many cold, miserable and fishless outings. The time and effort exerted for no reward can become very disheartening, but thats where you grab your rod get your livies or fresh bait, and plant your feet on the sand once more, optimistic thats "Tonights the Night".

But most of all enjoy the ride, thats what fishings all about. :D

Cheers Dan

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Great effort mate. I have yet to get one better than 50cm or so but after reading your story, you've started the fire. I will try and get out there as much as I can :wife:


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CONGRATULATIONS Dan, good on ya mate!!! :yahoo: Beautiful fish.

Great to see all that hard work, all those long hours and all that dedication and attention to detail have paid off for you.

We'll have to catch up and wet a line together before too long.



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Excellent reward for a hard earned effort.

Dan the man - obviously now that you've "Popped the Cherry" :pokey:

Reads like a forensic investigator - clues, facts - then catch the culprit

Well done

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Holy crapoley - you did it Dan!

Another beach jew cherry popped and it couldn't have happened to a more deserving fellow. Your persistance has paid off - great to hear that Stewy picked one up the night before too.

Could be a good winter for jewies off the beaches.

Congrats again.


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