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Troll Around Middle Head


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Managed to get out for a morning fish yesterday :1fishing1:

Supposed to be painting the bathroom while the missus is away :wife:

Hoping for a couple of tailor for a feed and maybe some salmon action.

Had an uneventful outing last week, trolling raiders on the surface. :(

Concluded that if the said reported species were about they were down a bit deeper.

Trolled a couple of metalic coloured bibbed minnows with more success :biggrin2:

Got our feed by 9, got smoked by something quite a bit bigger, a silver flash and it was gone along with my favourite lure for the day :ranting2:

It appears I'm going to be eating fishcakes for the rest of the week.

Great day out and not much traffic, love the Harbour through the week :thumbup:


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Nice catch of salmon and tailor Craig. Well done mate.

Hope you're going to smoke those tailor fillets ... Mmmmm delicious!

And wasn't that more fun than painting the bathroom?

Also, wouldn't you like to know what smoked your favourite lure? I hate it when that happens.

Great report



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Nice fish well done. you didn't happen to get a water temp reading did you?


Sorry Dave don't have the speed/temp sensor fitted on the sounder. :(

Didn't feel like it had the winter chill yet.

Bet it will be cooler at Lake Lyell this weekend, :biggrin2: off with the boys for a camp and fish

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