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Massive Hawkesbury Bream


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Hi All,

Having a very understanding finacee i was lucky enuf to get two fishing days out of 3 over the long weekend. After the awesome sessions we have been having in Botany i have been itchin to get back there and tangle with some quality mixed bags.

I got the weather report which said sat was going to be windy as hell and showers so a call was made to change tack and head to the relative protection of the Hbury, much to the behest of my gfather. As the day unfolded it was apparent seabreeze got it wrong....again, and i was hearing all the banter about my 'wrong' call. The morning started slow and bream were hard to find. A move was in order.

Our move was only a few hundred meters but we found the bream....and in a big way. In the following 4 hours my dad, pop and i were having an absolute ball on thumper bream fished unweighted on bait. No joke i havent seen quality bream like this for at least 10 years. My decision to fish the Hbury was a least vindicated a little as the old fellas were hootin and hollerin like prepubesent teens. Music to my ears.

We caught well over 40 bream and over 10 were kilo fish...the kinda fish that makes a lure fishos mouth water if they were in a tourny.....

Now onto Monday. If we thought sat was a pearler the best was yet to come. Once again gun shy from what seabreeze was telling us we retreated to the Hbury after our killer session on Sat to see if we could put a relative greenhorn, matt the plumber, onto some real bream. I was with Orsy, who he and i declare fishing unweighted baits for bream our favourite technique and after a slow morning knew the tide had to rise before anything was going to happen. We flicked sp's in the meantime a landed some nice lizards to keep the interest. In the process i hooked up to a nice bream which i called for a small jew. Caught deep it had a mean streak and at a kilo was a indication of things to come.

As the tide topped out the action heated up. Bream were lining up to hit our baits and by no means were these fish ordinary. Like Sat the fish were hungry winter blue nose battlers that put some serious bend in our 2kg sticks. Drags were screaming everywhere as triple hookups were not uncommon. The session was hotter than Sat and once again the kilo fish were playing ball...the best going 42cms but another 5 going 40cms, and a host of 38's. How good is that.

If you reckon i sound excited its because we landed well in excess of 70 bream yesterday...believe it or not its up to you but if i hadnt witnessed it first hand i would have reservations as well. And thats a conservative estimate!

In two sessions in the Hbury we caught over 120 bream. If you reckon the system is dead then think again. The place is alive and kickin. It just the old techniques are dead in the water and new techiques and presentations are needed nowadays... Just ask my gfather who has fished the system for 40 years... Now he going out to buy an electric motor??????

Man i love fishin!!!!!!!!



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That is two incredible sessions mate :1yikes:

There are some awesome bream in the photos :thumbup: You have every reason to be excited. Hot sessions like those come around too infrequently. Congratulations on a superb couple of days :thumbup::thumbup:


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They're some whopper bream. An estimated 120+ over the 2 days aswell, geez that's heaps!!!!! They're not small thats for sure. I think so many fishos out there would be satisfied with just one that size in a day, but you guys managing so many in 2 days. Hats off to you all. Keep it up :1fishing1:

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Cheers boys....i'm still buzzin. Don't think im gonna get much done at work today, im already daydreamin about the long weekend.

I got a tourny comin up in 3 weeks at sussex so i hope i havent pissed the bream gods off. Just one of those big bream will do in the comp???

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Awesome bream fishing

What bait were you using?

The basin has been hot and cold at the moment so Sussex comp will probably be hard as usuall

I will be down there fishing out a skeeter called onagain

Sweet mate, hope to see you there. I run a 5.5m Full Boar. If you see us come and say hi!

My mate lives down that way and says the same thing. The fishin is tough but he got some good fish yesterday, not many numbers but some good size. Hope we can repeat the process:)

If you want a better run down of our bream tactics read 'Luring with Bait' in March edition of Fishing World. If you cant get your hands on it PM me for more details.

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Sweet mate, hope to see you there. I run a 5.5m Full Boar. If you see us come and say hi!

My mate lives down that way and says the same thing. The fishin is tough but he got some good fish yesterday, not many numbers but some good size. Hope we can repeat the process:)

If you want a better run down of our bream tactics read 'Luring with Bait' in March edition of Fishing World. If you cant get your hands on it PM me for more details.

Ill see you there

The guy Im fishing with is a local down there and they have all been fishing it pretty hard

I pretty much fish lures the same way I used to fish bait Lures are just easier with the time constraints I have

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Great result on the Hawkesbury Bream Krazyman, there's some good size bream in that mighty big catch, that's for sure :thumbup: From as far back as I can remember, the big spawning size bream seemed to first show up in big numbers in autumn at a well known bream spot not far up river from the road bridge known as the Vines. Jewfishermen used to catch a lot of those bream when fishing around the corner back from Mooney Mooney on the same side and in the very deep water for some reason or other. Going on the big numbers of oversize bream you and your people caught, the breeding schools have arrived and much later than usual this year because of the longer lasting warm currents and the much colder river water. I think it's great you persevered and got amongst those bream and I can assure you good news like that from the Hawkesbury has been long awaited. :thumbup:

The arrival up there of the schools of larger bream always meant they will be closely followed by the jewfish schools, and they are ongoing in numbers and settle in for most of the winter. The bream and the jewfish spawning size schools go all over the system and you usually get a couple of months of good fishing, although by the look of it, their late arrival will mean a couple of very cold months of fishing, especially at night.

Your result was the first good sign I've seen so far this season and, going on the fact that the larger breeding size jewfish schools have gone missing this year, it looks as though the larger jew schools are on their way.

Top effort Krazyman!!!


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Top session there!

Those look like Nice deep water bream. There are a heap of big bream up those parts of the waters but have never tried to fish them with lures.

Well done!


Those fish look like residents. Check out their colour. They are have a dark brown tinge to them. I believe they are there all year round just fish well on certain tides i think. Just a little supprised they are on the chew with so much fresh.

Edited by VA911
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Just a little supprised they are on the chew with so much fresh.

I think that is why they were biting well. These fish were caught in water between 1 -3 meters deep and under overhanging mangrove branches, real tight to shore.

The water is a little discoloured but i wouldnt say murky. The fish arnt as shy and eat food washed down from the run-off. My guess is they are resident fish but as jewgaffer says there migratory fish?????

Who bloody knows???

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wow.....what a fantastic report......you have got me so excited that i have just orgainsed to take the day off tomorrow and hit the hawkesbury with a mate....i luv my SF so i will try them out there.

i have never fished there before so am looking forward to it very much..i am assuming under the bridge is the spot to be at.....

any suggestions by anyone would be most welcome.



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wow.....what a fantastic report......you have got me so excited that i have just orgainsed to take the day off tomorrow and hit the hawkesbury with a mate....i luv my SF so i will try them out there.

i have never fished there before so am looking forward to it very much..i am assuming under the bridge is the spot to be at.....

any suggestions by anyone would be most welcome.



Mate, go to berowra waters....see this months fishing world for all the details you need.

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10/10 mate. Nice breamskis.

That is a very good article that you mention. You look like you were on a boat - did you move around a fair bit chasing the bream or did you bring the fish to you ?

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Bloody Hell !!

Organically Modified by any chance???

What the heck are those fish feeding on?

Congratulations for a great catch of well conditioned fish, and to have the skills to find where they are hiding.

Jealous, jealous!!!

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is 'fishing world' online or magazine?

Sorry mate, Its a magazine!

Its the June Winter long edition with Bushy on the front cover! I wrote a location piece on the area and covered the fishing year round. The section on big blue nose winter bream should be most relevant.

10/10 mate. Nice breamskis.

That is a very good article that you mention. You look like you were on a boat - did you move around a fair bit chasing the bream or did you bring the fish to you ?

Yeah mate we were on a boat. Wouldnt know what to do without one!!!!!!

We did move around a bit but due to local knowledge we had a good idea where to go. Maybe a 1km total travel if you wee to put a blanket over em. So pretty condensed.

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Sorry mate, Its a magazine!

Its the June Winter long edition with Bushy on the front cover! I wrote a location piece on the area and covered the fishing year round. The section on big blue nose winter bream should be most relevant.

Yeah mate we were on a boat. Wouldnt know what to do without one!!!!!!

We did move around a bit but due to local knowledge we had a good idea where to go. Maybe a 1km total travel if you wee to put a blanket over em. So pretty condensed.

your a legend.........thanks for the heads up.....i will head out and buy the magazine asap.



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