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Winter Is With Us, Cold & Wet At Night .....


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Hi guys

Now the cold weather is with us, time to think of those yummy stews & casseroles, soups & roasts to warm the cockles ....... what I would call, 'real comfort food'! Doesn't have to be fancy - just Yummy!

I reckon I have 2 'all time favourites' for a cold winter's night ...... a close call between a nice long slow cooked Lamb Shanks casserole, or my other all time favourite (but takes more preparation) is (and DON'T SAY "YUCK") .......

Wait for it ........

LAMBS FRY WITH BACON IN A BIG TOMATO GRAVY!!! YUM YUM YUM!! Just cooked up a huge batch the other night & it gets even better the next night, as the flavour has really distributed itself thru the gravy!! I used to make it just with Bacon & gravy, then a buddy suggested adding a tin or 2 of chopped tomatoes & that just sent it up 10 notches more towards 'All Time Favourite' & is how I have cooked it ever since!

What is your favourite winter meal??


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Sashimi, Sashimi and Sashimi.

Had it with lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday, with dinner Tuesday, Wednesday and be partaking in some Tonight at the Forum Fisheries Agency.

The yellowfin must be thinly sliced and well chilled :pokey:

Sorry guys, forgot what winter is :frozen::bleh:

Okay, I also had some nice pumpkin soup with garlic bread and a juicy eye fillet last night. All washed down with a couple bottles of Cab Sav :1wine:

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As a chinese i would say, hot pot or steam boat.

If you've never tried, its basically a pot of any flavoured soup. You would have uncooked food around you. Food is anything of your choice. It can be beef, lamb, fish, vegies etc

You then choose what you like and cook a little bit of it each time. Just make sure everything is cut or chopped beforehand. You basically cook as you eat.

Its great in winter as it warms you up. The people of Sichuan love it spicy and i mean really spicy. So spicy where normal ppl will have the runs. And they use this type of peppercorn that makes your mouth numb so you can eat more chilli haha

But normal people just use chicken soup.

have a few mates over and beer and makes it a great get together.

of course the negative side to the lazy people is, you must cook. also time consuming but if you're with your mates, it doesn't matter.

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Oooh yeah - I forgot about my other favourite - spag bog .... and Beef Strog - all these flavours coming back from my childhood!! :)

Just don't give me pea & ham soup or fish soup! These were the main things my dad cooked when we were kids & I grew to dislike them intensely - plus they stank the house out!

Hi Hotty Scotty - sounds like a more liquid version of Cheese Fondue! Actually a terrific way to eat - you have to eat slower than normal, as you cook it as you go - gotta be good for the digestion! Hmmmm will have to try it one day! I had a Beef fondue once, where you cook the meat in hot oil before dipping it in different flavoured sauces - also yummy!



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thats right roberta, it is like soup version of fondue. never thought of it that way hehe

i forgot to mention, we use a portable gas stove where its connected to a 500ml can of butane. this keeps the pot of soup hot or boiling. its also safer, with hot boiling soup you don't want someone to trip over a wire or tubing and spill the soup.

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Hi Hotty

I always use one of those for my fish smoking & always have one in our campervan, sometimes two!! You can reheat a can of peas directly onto it without a saucepan even! :) Much easier than metho or electric!

Hmmm Ray - Bacon Bone Soup - reminds me too much of pea & ham soup, I reckon!! you can have allllll the seconds & thirds! Tho I do agree the flavour develops beautifully as it sits for a day or two!:)



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......a nice long slow cooked Lamb Shanks casserole, or my other all time favourite.......

Wait for it ........

LAMBS FRY WITH BACON IN A BIG TOMATO GRAVY!!! YUM YUM YUM!! Just cooked up a huge batch the other night & it gets even better the next night

What is your favourite winter meal??


SOLD !!! That's it Roberta count me in no risk about that!!!. Lamb shank casserole :thumbup: Lambs fry and bacon in a Big Tomato Gravy !! :yahoo: Sold !!

I'm coming up. Old Sid's gone travelling off chasing rainbows again so this trip I'll be staying with Tim the licencee of the Lakes and Ocean Hotel. !! Tim said he'll have my boat in his own car spot right across the road from where you and Wendy fish !! Can't wait to hit Barclay's with my new secret weapon and better than oysters they tell me :huh::1prop:

Wait for it Roberta.......TURTLEBACKS :lol:


jewgaffer :1fishing1::thumbup:

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This is a tough one , as I do a lot of cooking in the winter time. Family favourites include Paprika Chicken wings ( paprika , roasted capsicum , and sour cream ) Mexican Beef ( Chuck Steak slow cooked in an aromatic sauce of coriander , tomatoes , chilli and cumin) and Braised Lamb Shanks . We will actually be having the Lamb Shanks on the mother ship for Hairtail Night!! Keeps the inside of the boat and the tummy warm !!


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Just don't give me pea & ham soup or fish soup! These were the main things my dad cooked when we were kids & I grew to dislike them intensely - plus they stank the house out!

I'm with you Roberta. Mum and Dad were forever cooking massive pots of pea and ham, we didnt like it much so there was always tubs of it in the freezer.

As for fish soup it's one of thise things my grandfather cooks (along with pidgeon pie made from those that didnt race fast enough I think). The fish soup is always that thick you can cut it and smells like burley.


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.....BEER...... hehehe ...... maybe in summer, Grant!! Is that hot or cold??

Ooooh Hodgey .... Mel's Beef and Red Wine casserole ..... we may have to have a Cook Off!!! :)

Hey Ross .... We will actually be having the Lamb Shanks on the mother ship for Hairtail Night!! Keeps the inside of the boat and the tummy warm !!...... uh huh ...... May have to sign up to be part of the receivers!!! :) Do you have to catch a hairtail to receive the reward??? :1prop: What time is the next sitting for dinner at your place??? :yahoo:

Hi Davemmm - I can feel the pain!! Burley is about all it was good for!! :) It is 45yrs ago since I've had either & I still remember it! That frozen pea & Ham soup looked like something they scraped out of a gutter!!! I went to boarding school for my entire school life & reckon they used the washing up water as soup for us the next day ......it took me 25 years since leaving school before I could handle any sort of soup!! :1yikes: At least I have narrowed my main dislikes down to just 2 now!! Shame both were my Dad's favourites!! :(



Maybe we should swap some recipes for this winter??? I'll trade my lambs fry, tomato & bacon for any of the above!! :biggrin2:

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Sadly Roberta , the Floating Mothership Restaurant is fully booked for this year ! People in the immediate vicinity may catch a bit of the aroma if the wind is right !

My tribe love Pea and Ham soup , it never lasts more than a few days . Great with fresh bread rolls on a wet , cold night .

Cath and I also like a good batch of Gumbo in the winter. Crab, prawns ,oysters and some of our previous catch with spicy sausages all cooked with fiery Cajun Spices , and served with Okra and Rice .

Damn , Im hungry again! :074:


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:Funny-Post::Funny-Post: Good one, Dicko

A close 3rd, 4th or 5th ...... Trouble is, you have to stand outside to cook the mongrels!!! :1badmood: Or else everything in the house smells of smoked fish!!!! You only ever try to smoke fish inside the house once!!! :)


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