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A Great Day On The Snapper Pearl Perch And Kings

Ross Hunter

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Because of the uncertainty of the yellowfin tuna fishery of late I have lost the desire to be a professional pilchard chopper upperer.

Sure, there has been a couple of good fish caught, but there have been a lot of pilchards thrown in the creek and a lot of precious fuel burnt for zilch result by the unlucky ones.

So after a few trips of little result ( a couple of fleas and a blue and mako shark..they simply do not rate a mention) on the tuna we have begged our tuna charterers not to go after the illusive yellowfin, but to have a better day on the reef fish.

We have only tried the reds at the “Hump” twice and whilst we caught snapper every time, they were on the smallish side (up to 2kg which compared to the 6kg gems we caught regularly last season was a little disappointing)

This will improve soon with the cuttlefish run maybe in the next fortnight.

So rather than travel the 18 n mile southward we decided over the past few trips to fish our old reliable “Hunters Hill” a reef area north of Coogee nick named after our boats by others.

This area, has, over 30 or so years produced some amazing catches of snapper, mowies, kings and misc table fish for us and the 6 n mile run makes it much closer.

Well, yesterday it fished so well from the moment we first anchored Broadbill we never stopped catching fish inc kings to 6kg and some throw backs around the 65cm mark. Two superb pearl perch ( in 16 degree water, I thought they preferred the warmer stuff) and a few reds and loads of mowies.

A great day was had by all of us, certainly better than catching no tuna.

Smiles on dials “That’s all ya want!”







Edited by mrsswordfisherman
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Look at the Pearlies!!!! :drool:

Once again, a great day on the water for your clients Ross. Hat off to you mate, you really know how to cater for your clients. Congrats on a great haul of superlative eating fish. You are definitely the man I will visit on my next trip down your way. :biggrinthumb:


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How was the current out there?




Sorry about the lack of reply The current was about half a knot to the south, almost perfect We fished patonostas with 4 oz lead and floaters The last three trips have been really productive We fish in 65 metres on that section of reef


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Well done on what seems to be some fantastic action. Its certainly slowed down the last couple of weeks with some cooler and greener water, but you certainly seem to be striking gold. :thumbup:

Fingers crossed the tuna return soon :1fishing1:


Some wise man once told me "A fisherman can only catch what's swimming past on the day" It's a simplification of things but so true and if those tuna are not swimming past then that makes it hard.

I reckon that they'll be back in a week or two


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Pearlies?? This far south ?? Were they lost??

Without a doubt, the best eating fish in the sea - bar none.

Good work, Ross.



We have caught them before maybe a dozen or so over a long long period Is it global warming? Are the fish moving southward because of this factor. I do not know but given time all will be revealed. You are right they are one of the best table fish in the ocean.


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Sorry about the lack of reply The current was about half a knot to the south, almost perfect We fished patonostas with 4 oz lead and floaters The last three trips have been really productive We fish in 65 metres on that section of reef



Thanks for the info. I really need to move out of the 18-24m reef systems that i bottom bash and move into deeper waters.



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