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What Are All The Fishraiders Getting Up To This Weekend?


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What are all the fishraiders getting up to this weekend?

the 26th,27th July 2008

sat working maybe

Sunday who knows

Also the yearly Hairtail social is on this weekend

Good luck to the members heading up to the social

What ever you end up doing, BE SAFE.

And take care on the Roads and waterway

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Good luck to all the Social attendees and come and say Gdayyyyyyyyy when you get to Jerusalem Bay :thumbup:

I hope everyone has a safe weekend no matter what you are getting up to :yahoo:

Cheers Stewy

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A little busy with work - hehehe - having a cold one now - I think my weekend has already started! :tease:

I might ?? do some work on the boat - but will probably have a few coldies instead! :beersmile::beersmile:

Hope you guys have a great, safe one. :thumbup:

This is my diet for the weekend :wacko:

You guys fishing in the social - look after your marbles :074:

It's real brass monkey weather out there! :1yikes:

Hope you get amongst those hairy tailed, slimey, razor teethed myth of a fish. :1fishing1:

Good Luck to all.

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Quite one on Saturday.

Sunday I have to drop the missus to the airport at 0530 so will be towing the boat down there and probably hit the cooks and duck out into botany. The other plan is to hit the parra for a breamin session. Most probably the cooks as theres not as much moving between spots which means less chance of freezing my nuts off


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ill either go 4 a drummer fish off the rocks or throw the boat in lake macquarie 4 a soft plastic session and a few :beersmile: or if im reel lucky ill do 1 satdy and the other sunday, but rest assured that either way i WILL wet a line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :icon_peace:

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Saturday night I will meet with my brother for :beersmile: and watch the Wallabies beat the All Blacks :biggrin2:

Sunday just recover!!!

I have put up with the cold weather for the last month but my nuggets have had enough for now.

So to all the brave men and women fishing in the cold good luck!

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