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A Personal Best Kingfish

Ross Hunter

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Over the past few days we have been targeting the kingfish at the Peak.

The effort is worthwhile but the fish are on the smallish side, but they are everyone’s favourite fish, sometimes I do wonder why! But smiles on dials is my job, so it works OK

Part of the joy in being a charter boat Captain is seeing the thrill on an anglers face when they catch their first personal best fish It may be a tuna, a marlin, a snapper or a kingfish. It may not even rate with the high standards that we become blasé about.

But today I took out a lovely 11 year old girl who hales from Cowra.

Her Dad Maurice Nicholson has caught some pretty heady reds and also a marlin or two on my boat Broadbill

When Maurice asked if has daughter could come I said Yes immediately.

On the way across the bay Samantha was enthralled by the jets coming into land at Mascot, the sort of stuff we Sydney siders see every day, but not so in Cowra.

We then saw a pod of humpbacks, she observed with eyes like dinner plates and then caught a couple of big striped tuna, much to Samantha’s joy.

We set up at the Peak and caught 15 or so kingfish Samantha catching the biggest

The look on her face was precious, the sort of stuff that makes my job that much more contenting.

The wind eventually blew us off the water so we returned to port enjoying a fruitful but shortened day.

What a beautiful young lady and a personal thrill to be part of her personal best kingy.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that can mean so much.




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terrific result, Ross - we do tend to take a lot of things for granted, eh? That is one giant smile on the dial!!

Well done



Thanks to you and all the Raiders for your nice comments. Over the years I have forgotten about many of the "nice experiences" that have occured on my boat. Lot's of pb's and firsts with so many anglers they tend to get lost in the mire over 27 years of taking people fishing ...but this one will stick for awhile :thumbup:

Thanks again.

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Hi Ross,

Great report, I often have kids in tow, its a great reminder that fishing is supposed to be fun, even if it is kings, toads, seagulls or whatever.

Cheers, david

Edited by southerly
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Crusty old sea dog? Nah I dont think so Ross , you old softy you !!!



Have a look at her smile Wouldn't that melt you..Raiders you are all right fishing should always have that fun element about it. Records and competition fishing is great, but someone will eventualy beat that record so Let it be fun. That's why I love blackfishing a lonely river somewhere waiting for my float to go down, if it doesn't, then it was in nice day on a river ............So simple Eh!

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