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Clarification Of Boating Rules Please!


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Offshore waters:

Our boat has:

Pfd1 x 4

27mhz Radio

406mhz Epirb


V Sheet

Fire extinguisher


10 liters of water

boat plate

capacity label


buckets for bailing

Is there any thing I have missed off that list that you get warned/fined for in nsw waters, as we will soon be going out once a month across the border in the tweed, and would rather not get caught out.

Ie- charts? do you require them or can you use your gps?

And any other safety equipment you guys carry that I havn't listed!

Thanks matt

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Offshore waters:

Our boat has:

Pfd1 x 4

27mhz Radio

406mhz Epirb


V Sheet

Fire extinguisher


10 liters of water

boat plate

capacity label


buckets for bailing

Is there any thing I have missed off that list that you get warned/fined for in nsw waters, as we will soon be going out once a month across the border in the tweed, and would rather not get caught out.

Ie- charts? do you require them or can you use your gps?

And any other safety equipment you guys carry that I havn't listed!

Thanks matt


items that spring to mind..

Sea Anchor.....air horn or a whistle, first aid kit,reflective mirror

advisable to carry a radar reflector on board of some sorts...

throughly recommend carring a portable jumpstarter with you best bit of insurence money can buy..


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Hmm that battery jump start idea sounds good as I don't run dual battery set up.

First aid kit and air horn are reasonably cheap so i'll pick some up this weekend!

Whats a radar reflector?

hmm just a quick edit

in regards to battery jump starter packs, would 1 be sufficient to jump start a normal marine battery if it was "dead" flat?

Edited by iricangi
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Hmm that battery jump start idea sounds good as I don't run dual battery set up.

First aid kit and air horn are reasonably cheap so i'll pick some up this weekend!

Whats a radar reflector?


a duel battery set up if working offshore should be given serious consideration

and inregards to a radar reflector it can be as simple as a square bit of tin foil say positioned

up high (say on rigger) to help in aid for easier and and stronger radar contact by a boat that may in an

event be trying to locate you and doubly so if you are a small glass boat..to mention one of a few reasons


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a duel battery set up if working offshore should be given serious consideration

and inregards to a radar reflector it can be as simple as a square bit of tin foil say positioned

up high (say on rigger) to help in aid for easier and and stronger radar contact by a boat that may in an

event be trying to locate you and doubly so if you are a small glass boat..to mention one of a few reasons



rather than edit... let me mention here that although not so much as required by law in regards to battery pack for excample and its everyday advantages aside....

were these types of equipment really excell are in the worst case scenario if for some reason lets say you had a total electrical failure and your one and only

battery was to die, totally gone, finished......then with a bit of thought the jumpstarter could be utilised to run the motor a means

for getting to or closer to home and at the very least you could operate the radio through the battery pack so you could at least use the radio for raising help....


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N ew epirbs are required in NSW although not until Nov in QLD. Check size of boat but don't go offshore without one just because the rules say you can.

Whistle by the helm

Buy a mouth fog horn and then you don't have to worry about the metal aerosol ones running out of gas.

Radar reflector are just 2 small interlocked pieces od ally (or reflector tube ) that give your boat a big reflective area on other ships radar - ie trawlers!!! The tube ones designed for yacht bckstays are very good and compact but more expensive.

NSW have to carry boat lic and fishing lic. Do you hav eto carry boat Lic now in QLD???

For the battery ( or just spare marine battery and jumper leads) pack check the required CCA (cold cranking amps) starting amps for your motor from dealer and buy one size up and keep it well maintained on charge as required. Important as if your main battery dies you will end up with no radio. Strap the battery down properly and make sure you have suitable leads to connect it.

Check safety gear on table at Waterways NSW site.

Bring your own petrol - you wouldn't believe the prices us southern suckers pay!!! Our beer tastes funny as well.


PS stop poaching our fish - haven't you got enough of your own :beersmile::beersmile::beersmile:

Edited by pelican
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hey matt

2 things you need

a good compass and the hydrograpic map of the area you are fishing

not sure if it is law but a must have in my book

you should also know how to read the map and plot a course using your compass

there are some good books for sale where you get the maps from

in north sydney i think


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As far as i believed you had to have Admiralty chart of area if out more than 5 mile .paper charts are easy to store in a waterproof container and id have all of the above plus a toolbox of some sort with all the bits and pieces.

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we a mean someone who can spell should make a list and post it some wear under say must haves or somthing like that

sorry people i think i may have had to many jd's :wacko:


get the charts laminated where you buy them

Edited by brickman
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Brickman is correct, compass & hydro chart(s) of the area, you're also required to carry 2 litres of drinking water per crew member, secondary propulsion & wp torch. As Warnie mentioned having a drogue would be wise.

I believe that it is 2 litres of water per person per day. Therefore for an overnighter you would have to consider doubling the 2 litres.

Laminating charts makes them near impossible to plot your course on them with a pencil. A chart is no use without dividers and a parallel ruler.

Correct - secondary propulsion - oars.

A bailing utensil must also have a lanyard attached to the vessel.


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