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drew boy

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well just wanted to let you all know that yesterday afternoon drove into the open garage door with two beach rods on the ute and hit the door and snapped the top of both rods into several pieces :ranting2: luckily it is fathers day on sunday and my loving son is going to replace one for me.what a dumb thing on my part and had not had a beer yet (nice lesson)dont leave rods on the ute drew boy

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Worse then a kick to the groin... :thumbdown:

Lucky for Fathers Day :thumbup:

Stupidity is trying to fight off a pack of seagulls (attacking bait) using a rod then losing it (slipped) in the drink and watching it sink... for his sake, he was lucky it was one of me old rods!!



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So far... I've lost or broken rods by:

- high sticking a fish (so that's why they say not to do it!! Graphite shrapnel everywhere)

- rigging a fly rod in a Fijian bungalow with a ceiling fan (stoopid, stoopid, stoopid)

- having the tailgate of a 4WD close on its own accord while another fly rod was only 9/10ths of the way out (that's one of the reasons I got a Prado... it has a tailgate that can be 'locked' open)

- removing yet another fly rod from the back seat of a car without realising that the fly, which I'd carefully wound up to the tip guide, had connected itself fatally to the carpet

- having the free barbs of a treble connect to the upholstery in my boat while the other barb was connected to a thrashing Bonito, then being a little hasty trying to rectify the problem.

- taking a workmate rock fishing and failing to tell him that rods should always be left standing up, not lying down on the rocks... particularly at night and particularly graphite Blackfish rods. (Sails is now the proud owner of that particular rod, which is a few inches shorter than originally intended)

- relying on the 'rachet' of a plastic Berkley rod holder (there's a 10kg Ugly Stick on the bottom somewhere near the public moorings at the Spit Bridge if anyone wants it... as for trusting plastic rod holders for anything other than bream fishing... don't!)

Cheers, Slinky

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So far... I've lost or broken rods by:

- rigging a fly rod in a Fijian bungalow with a ceiling fan (stoopid, stoopid, stoopid)

Cheers, Slinky


Been very close many times!! Haha...

Maybe not ina Fijian bungalow but definately the old ceiling fan!! :ranting2:



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Worse then a kick to the groin... :thumbdown:

I somehow doubt this ...

wiiin an example of high sticking is when u get snagged and you lift the rod over your head, past perpendicular i.e. 90 degrees and what usually happens is the rod goes .. schnnaaap !!

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i've got a stupid question: whats high sticking?

G'day WillN,

High Sticking as Stylo said is lifting a loaded rod so high that the curve in it goes past 90 degrees (eg. if the tip is pointing straight down then the butt shouldn't be lifted past horizontal). I don't have the engineering knowledge to give you a proper explanation but it's an issue with carbon fibre rods.

When a carbon fibre rod bends the fibres along the underside are compressed while along the top of the rod they stretch (or something). There's a limit to how much they'll compress or stretch which basically means that any more than 90 degrees of bend and you're likely to get what I did... an expensive explosive sound and a whole lot of little bits of carbon fibre going everywhere (or at least a rod in more pieces than it was).

I'm sure that there's a lot more to it than that but high sticking carbon fibre rods is a no no if you value your carbon rods.

Cheers, Slinky

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Hey Slink, was that charter on Seafaris? That fuel tank looks familiar, sat many an hour on that thing looking out at the horizon on the trip down........

Yep... Vrilya point on the way down to the Jackson River for the first night. Most amazing fishing trip I've ever done or could ever imagine. If I was single, I'd be up there a couple of times a year. As it is, its probably a once in a lifetime. But what memories....

Cheers, Slinky

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Search you tube for Bill Dance Bloopers. Hillarious this guy is like our rex hunt. Definitely worth looking at the lighter side of broken rods and mishaps.

he also has an online FREE tv show. mostly American fishing but his soft plastics and drop shotting technique app;ly well to our conditions.


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