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Avoca Afternoon

Ray R

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Hi Guys, a couple more pics I took this arvo, still a bit washy and a few waves still coming over the platform , was a bit dark due to the clouds rushing by the late arvo sun, took a couple of the rock pool and one of Mugs Rock.. Cheers...




Edited by Ray R
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Terrific shots Ray. :thumbup:

One question, do you work for the "Avoca Tourism Service"? You should, because your photos of the Central Coast are always fantastic. It's a beautiful area and you capture it well.

Always look forward to seeing your latest photos.

By the way, did you do a lot of rock fishing around there? Have much luck in that area?



Edited by peterS
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Looks like a nice blackie spot between the ledge & the rock??

Nice shots, Ray


Hi Roberta, they do get 'em there as well as pigs, it is a nice washy bit and somewhat protected from the southerly's.. Cheers...

Terrific shots Ray. :thumbup:

One question, do you work for the "Avoca Tourism Service"? You should, because your photos of the Central Coast are always fantastic. It's a beautiful area and you capture it well.

Always look forward to seeing your latest photos.

By the way, did you do a lot of rock fishing around there? Have much luck in that area?



Hi Peter, I like to capture different angles , sun, etc, even the same shot becomes a new one to me when the sun is higher and or lower in the sky, and yes I did fish the rocks quite a bit , not so much now since Hutcho got his nice boat last Feb, I have caught some nice fish around there, I even use to fish for blackfish but got rid of all that gear(dont tell Roberta), caught some thumper groper around the 10-15 kg mark big blue ones ,they were all returned , I did keep some of the smaller females , but only a couple. I have also got the odd snapper off the high rock but that was a while ago, Yes Pete there are some good fish there , just gotta know how to get 'em.. Cheers...

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