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Final Jewie Attempt


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G'day everyone, Some of you might remember I'm off to England in a couple of days so I was hoping to finish off in style with my first Jewie. Unfortunately it wasn't to be and my final effort last night came up with the same result as previous attempts. A big fat "0". Did everything right again, fresh bait, right time, right tide but as usual the Wanda Jew didn't come out to play.

As this will be my last report for some time, I wish to thank everyone who has helped me attempt to catch one of these silver monsters. I only wish I could have captured that beast for you all. I know alot of you were hoping the same for me but it wasn't to be. I had already planned my first successful jewie report but I'll keep it for a rainy day. A special thanks to Jewgaffer, Jewhunter and a hand full of other guys who I learnt alot from over the last year or so.

I will still watch this site with interest and my only wish is that people relise they don't need to keep every Jewie they catch. I would like to think that if I return one day, there will still be that chance of capturing that fish of a lifetime off the beach.

Cheers Nathan,

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bad luck nath i was realy hoping you would pull at least a soapy

you probly now know why i never just target jew there are just not that many around this year

my rule with jew is never keep one smaller than your biggest

i do'nt eat jew very often

good luck in brit.if you see ian bothom smack him on the back off the head and tell him gary said your a twit

would be good to get e report from the temms

cherrs gary

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Good luck in England Nathan. Shame you missed out on your jewie, but I'm sure there'll be one waiting for you at Wanda when you get back.

Send a report on the English fishing scene when you settle in, although you'll be arriving in time for their winter (rather you than me!)



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Hi Nats You certainly had a good go at the jewfish and not getting a result wasn't thru lack of trying.

The good experience you got out of it all will have you ready to get onto predators with similiar habits in England, where you will also find the same change in the pecking order at feeding time whether it be river fishing or beach fishing. I've struck bad winter results before where breeding size estuary fish, normally prolific in autumn and winter, migrate to other areas to breed in rivers because of extreme cold conditions having too much variance when there are unusally warm currents outside..... especially when the rivers start to get colder than usual in Autumn and where cold upon cold builds up day after day as was the case this year.

August and September have always been hard months to find jewfish and the summer months can actually outfish the prime autumn and winter breeding months especially when warm outside currents linger on longer than usual and the breeding grounds, the rivers, are too cold for the purpose of fish schooling up in numbers to breed and that can happen in all estuaries regardless of species.

Bon voyage Nats! Keep in touch with us all and let us know what's happening on the fishing scene and it would be good to hear about life in general in England.

Cheers mate :thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Gdayyyyyyyy Nats,

Thanks for your input into the Site and I watched with anticipation on your quest for the mighty mulloway.

I hope you do indeed stay in touch with us and your fishing exploits take a turn for the better ,even if it is a different species you seek.

All the best on your journey and good luck in the future.

Regards Swordfisherman

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An unfinished chapter - one day you will finish it.

Good luck in your endeavours in UK and trust you will adapt to the fishing scene over there.

Look on the bright side lol - you can always use your Jewie gear trying for the Loch Ness Monster - haha

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