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Finally Moving To Taree


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Well, its finally going to happen. Iwannajewy starts his new job on the 13th October. We're both so excited about the big move and cant wait to settle in properly :yahoo: Both of us are looking forward to doing more :1fishing1: and relaxing a bit more. Will keep all you raiders up to date on the big move.

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Hi mr and mrsiwannajewie,

First I want to thank you for the welcome, when i finally submitted my details.

I certainly know how you both feel ,getting out of the rat race and moving up to god's country.

Iam only a couple of hundred clicks up the road. Both my kids live in taree.

I was living there when I got my monster Jewie, at foster tuncurry breakwall.

I will look forward to your story on the big one.Welcome to the mid north coast.

Cheers Rick.

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