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A Quick Flick


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hey guys decided to knock off work early and go for a flick on the way home. i live near a wharf so get the ferry home evry day so jumped on the ferry and headed to m y local wharf normally good for a king or 2 and some nice flatties, so it was out with the light gear and on with the sweet n sour chicken jerkshad in 5inch. first 2 were demolished by leatheries as per usual then changed sides of the wharf after about 6 casts had a nudge missedit bugger! cast back into the same spot and after a twitch or two of the rod WHACK he hit again this time i wasnt day dreaming and managed to set the hook after a short struggle he floated to the surface in true flatty style landed no problems and went 45cm and was a very fat and healthy fish. was quickly released back as i forgot my camera :1badmood:

cheers ben moses

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