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Bucket O' Squid


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I'm chewing as I type,


Hit a local spot for the third time. The swell is low and the wind mild so conditions were good. The spot is a bit tricky as it is 20 feet off the water. Had a spike under a float with a fish underneath and cast a pheremone encrusted jig. (surely proof that sex can be used to sell anything). The spike got hit first but i lost him. Managed to pick the same squid 2 minutes later on the jig and hauled him carefully up the cliff. It was a healthy fella, about 25cm at the hood. The spike got hit again and this guy was bigger, 30cm at the hood. Just on dark, I managed 2 more healthy bait sized squidlies which went straight into a vacuum sealed bag.

A delicious feed (fried in the wok with butter, chillie, lemon juice and soy sauce) and some very juicy jewie baits. Happy with that.

ps. the fish under the spike was a mystery fish to me. I picked him up in middle harbour two weeks ago and he looks like a cross between a slimy mac (same body shape) and a herring (same scales and head). Any ideas?

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I'm chewing as I type,


Hit a local spot for the third time. The swell is low and the wind mild so conditions were good. The spot is a bit tricky as it is 20 feet off the water. Had a spike under a float with a fish underneath and cast a pheremone encrusted jig. (surely proof that sex can be used to sell anything). The spike got hit first but i lost him. Managed to pick the same squid 2 minutes later on the jig and hauled him carefully up the cliff. It was a healthy fella, about 25cm at the hood. The spike got hit again and this guy was bigger, 30cm at the hood. Just on dark, I managed 2 more healthy bait sized squidlies which went straight into a vacuum sealed bag.

A delicious feed (fried in the wok with butter, chillie, lemon juice and soy sauce) and some very juicy jewie baits. Happy with that.

ps. the fish under the spike was a mystery fish to me. I picked him up in middle harbour two weeks ago and he looks like a cross between a slimy mac (same body shape) and a herring (same scales and head). Any ideas?

We caught a lot of those slimie and hering cross fish in MH lat week, confirmed they are actually pillies!!

Picked up a school size jewie at the Hawkesbury using a filet from those guys, sensational bait!


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Great report Humesy,

Ray and I had no luck after we met you on Sunday and had a chat, it was great to meet you and put a face to the name.

Just curious ........ whos the bloke in your photo?


Twin 1

G'day Marcel,

Likewise, it was great to meet you and your brother the other day. The guy in the photo is Bill Murray from a film called The Life Aquatic. Don't know why I chose him but the film cracked me up at the time.

see you on the water next time


We caught a lot of those slimie and hering cross fish in MH lat week, confirmed they are actually pillies!!

Picked up a school size jewie at the Hawkesbury using a filet from those guys, sensational bait!


Great Louis,

Thanks for that. I thought they might be good bait as I had one chomped at the tail when he was out live. The flesh is soft like a pillie so it all makes sense. I might try to stock up on a few next time they move in.


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Hi Andrew,

Mate i have been catching them as well.

I called it for a herring. They would hit my bait when i was bringing it up from the bottom.

Did you see when you bring it out of the water how they go ballistic and start throwing scales?

Nothing touching my livies lately. Have you seen the massive bait schools moving around MH.

Surely a sign of things to come. Where are the jewies?????? Water now over 16C.


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Hi Andrew,

Mate i have been catching them as well.

I called it for a herring. They would hit my bait when i was bringing it up from the bottom.

Did you see when you bring it out of the water how they go ballistic and start throwing scales?

Nothing touching my livies lately. Have you seen the massive bait schools moving around MH.

Surely a sign of things to come. Where are the jewies?????? Water now over 16C.


Yes Mike,

I am hoping that things are going to heat up soon. There is definitely a buttload of bait, we just need those kings and jews to wake from their winter slumber. I am like the sound of 25+ kingies a day Plankton.

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Yes Mike,

....... There is definitely a buttload of bait, we just need those kings and jews to wake from their winter slumber......

Hi Humesy Andrew, If there's a buttload of bait no need to take a bucket, just take a buttload of burly and hope the jew migrate back.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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G'day Andrew

Eating the bait again? Mate...

I am starting to gear up for the Jewie season. No doubt you will be out and about in the weeks to come. Give us a call and let me know what you are up to.

I sense things are on the change in he system and it should only be a matter of time before the big fellas start to come in again.



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