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Sawtails Strip & Savage !


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If you see a grey 'Bream'up in a berly trail and it has a white tail 'wrist'be v v careful

It is v dangerous,covered in a poisonous slim & razor sharp scales it pulls like an express train &bites traces through.

I have lost a lot of hooks &line in the last 2 days &one nearly broke my rod!

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Ye i've seen a lot of surgeons being caught in the harbour the last year, some people are specifically targeting them instead of blackfish.

Not sure about the poisonous slime because people hold them but the jags on their tails are like scalpels, which is where they get their name from.


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Up the ante use 4kg braid minimum and a nice fast taper 9ft rod a really stiff fly rod is awesome some 15 - 20lb fluro trace and your away fish blackie style and have fun i usually ise a little bobby cork shaped like and egg that takes a 0 barrel to get it neutral!

And have fun! :1prop::beersmile:

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just imagine tryin to catch kings with a size 10 hook

What is a close aussie hook if you were going to use one ? What hook are you importing moses ?

do they eat anything else or only weed baits ? Have checked most surgeon posts and could not find mention of baits used.


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I would have to say that surgeons are probs the most prolific fish in the harbour. I do a lot of snorkeling in various spots in the harbour. They are not that deep and normally hang in schools of 3. Anywhere rocky is good, weed and stuff does not seem to be a major part of there habitat although u will rarely catch them on anything else...

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hey mate why dont u fish the point for blackies some thumpers there mate

Moses tried that as well they are everywhere now whilst fun they cause havoc and i like my blackie fishing have! just watch it fishing from that wharf though as the ferries have taken a zero tolerance policy

Edited by luderick -angler
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Moses tried that as well they are everywhere now whilst fun they cause havoc and i like my blackie fishing have! just watch it fishing from that wharf though as the ferries have taken a zero tolerance policy

mate i never have a problem as i leave the place spotlesss and dont get in anyones road

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I saw them swim around the harbour last January near the bridge. They all around 60cm mark. I SWEAR they are the most powerful fish in the harbour.

They take bread as well. But you got to free float the bread or use very very tiny sinker as they are so cautious most of the time.

I had couple of hook ups with those beasts last year. I wasn't really targeting them the first time. It took my 10lb handline and pulls like a rocket. I got a deep cut on my finger and bled so badly from that hook up. The bad thing about catching them is you got to use small size hooks as they have really small mounth. I changed to 80lb braid with Mustard size 1 hooks. But the result was snapped and straighten hooks with no success of landing them. There is no way Mustard hooks can stop them from diving in. If you loose the drag and let it run, it will cut your line around the wharf in seconds. You really need some top notch equipment to get them.

I'm going to give them another go if they are around! Hope I have better luck this time...

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I think Black Magic have a very small suicide type pattern which works. I have caught them up to 40cm on pan fish number 6's. Been smoked by a few.

mate tboth of those hooks are not strong enough for the big ones the panfish snap and the black magic straighten

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Moses i know your sentiments i used to fish every wharf even the Zoo in its heyday it took a few to leave cut fish bait everywhere and bingo banned!

On good authority i was told that if your were asked to leave a ferry wharf by Sydney Ferries or NSW maratime and refused they would call the police whether true or not i am yet to test!

It depends which ferry master is having a bad day at work or which member o the public complains to them whether you get to stay or not this happened a few times before i left for NZ up at a known western Sydney ferry wharf!

But backto the point they are the hardest fish in the harbour and the largest i stopped went 4lb on blackie gear committed suicide headed straiht for open water over sand and was lip hooked on a mustad fly hook a heavy gauge nymph hook if i remember similar to the old 7958A pattern



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