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My First Jewie On A Lure


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Hey there people i will make it sort and sweet, i went out for a bit of a fish the other night to a spot that i know of where the jews roam spot X as they say lol any way i caught somelivies consisting of yakkas and talor anyway i had the live baits out but no touches while the baits where sitting there doing no good i decided to throw around a hard bodie for a while here and there i then decided to go and check and replace my livie whith a fresh one i did that then went bak to lure casting as i casted it out i crancked the lure back about one metre when all of a sudden wham bam thankyou mam lol after about 10/ 15 mins in glided this unforgetable silver shine which glissend in the light a nice 12/ 13kg aproxamatly healthy looking jew! Sorry i didnt wiegh it as i couldnt be bothered lol! :) it was 101cm long measured! Here are a couple of pics hope you like it?

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What a beautiful jew, pitty you didn't catch it this weekend if you were fishing the Classic, with fish like this coming in looks like the river will be buzzing for the Classic.

Hopefully we will see a few specimens like that at the way in.

Congrats on a great fish.


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