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Botany Bay Kingfish


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Hi Guy's

Went out on sunday for a bit of a fish. Got out onto at about 9:00am (bit of a late night ith the boy's the nigght before.). Did a bit of bream fishing around towra using nippers and chicken breast and score a few legal bream and a legal trevally.

Then off to Live bait grounds to get some yakka's. I end up with 20 or so yakka, got the down rigger ready and off to Moli point to see if the kings were around. After cruising around Moli point and seeing a little activity, I loaded the down and sent a lollipop yakka down. After about 30 minutes of down rigging I was on only to lose him early in the fight. Loaded another yakka and began trekking along. As I was about to take a sip of my coffee, BANG and then ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I was on and I knew this thing was big. I tell ya it's hard work downrigging on your own as I held the fish in the water while I wound the down rigger up. The fight lasted about 10 minutes and I gaffed a 90cm Kingfish. I was on stoked.

After that I did a few passes and got a 66cm king and threw him back and got roated on another. I decided to head home at about 2:30pm with a big smile on my face.

Can't wait to do it again...





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Solid king there. Well done!!!! Solo downriggin rules!!!!!! definatly gets the blood pumping!!!

i usually downrigg solo with 2 riggers, I switched over to electric and never looked back after getting a greasing a few times too many.

After all these reports of good kings this weekend i am crackin it that i was home sick.. Oh well next weekend i supose..

Edited by VA911
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nice king mate! good to see some good sized ones coming from Inside the bay!!

Just wondering what rod/reel/line your using?

Gday mate

The rod is a silstar crystal blue jig stick and the reel is a Shimano Spheros 14000 with the stella upgrade. The line is siglon teqneed 50lb + and 80lb fluorocarbon leader.

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