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First Croc

flatty hunter626

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went out for a quick plastic session after work yesterday to see if i could score a feed of flattys .....to my surprise my usual spot wasnt firing so changed lure and within 2 cast i was onto a fish. felt almost like a dead weight the way he was coming straight at me with a few head shakes in between....though it was going to be a nice 50cm or thereabouts fish.....then it saw the boat. the fish went straight down and after about 5 very tense minutes i got my first glimpse...he was alot! bigger than first thought....then the nerves crept in as he went for another run....all i could think was my 6LB leader is gone or i havent hooked him well enough but after a few more mins he was at the side of the boat and very luckily managed to net him first attempt(hard to do when out by yourself). measured up to 90cm (doubles my previous pb for a plastic of 45cm) so the first fish for the new boat was the best fish ive caught in a long time!.....'

will put the pics up tonight as im heading off to see if theres many mud crabs around for dinner:P....

cheers flatty hunter

finally got the pics off the phone ,.,,,,,.......30cm ruler alongside it there.



Edited by flatty hunter626
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Congrats on the new PB mate. 90cm is a great fish! The Fish Gods must have been smiling on you to land it on such a light leader. Look forward to seeing some photos. :yahoo::thumbup:

Another contender for Fish Of The Month ....



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Congrats on your new PB ........ it may be a while before your get an upgrade on that tho!! :wacko:

Well done FH626!!! Brilliant work on light leader! I bet your heart was in your mouth once you had a glimpse!!!

Look forward to the pics!!


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Whoa - that's a flatty ! I would frame that photo.

As for mud crabs - which river are you looking for those in?

I thought the only place you could get them was at the fish markets...

plenty of em up mooney creek atm but couldnt pick any up yesterday and the swell was huge there were whitecaps up mooney!

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