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Jigging Perth Sampsons


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Stepped off the charter only an hour ago following the most insane experience. The Samspon Fish are only 20 Miles off shore and at this time of year are congregating in massive numbers on top of barges that are sitting in 100m of water. The wind was blowing at around 10 knots and there was around 2m of swell which didn't effect the 55 footer too much at all. I've been looking forward to this trip for a while and have been faced with a few uncertainties regarding bad weather and cancellations... however, the go-ahead was given yesterday and the feeling of heading offshore was great!!!

We stopped after about 1hr and 45mins and our skipper instructed us to deploy our jigs, five at a time. I was using a 250g holographic knife jig and I must say that if it could swim it would have been trying to bee line it straight for sure. I don't know how big the fish was that engulfed it but it did so after 3 seconds of it reaching the bottom and even with the drag locked right up, the 80lb braid peeled off the spool so quickly that I thought that it would start smoking. I was right up against the gunnell of the boat and thought that if it were not there I would have been in the water. It looked like the others were being smoked as well.

To cut a long story short, nobody actually landed one of these beasts but they are schooling in areas of approximately 50m x 50m and are much bigger than 50kg's!!! They were breaking the hooks on the jigs and others were simply finding the structure. We made a majority decision to target Snapper and Baldies for the rest of the day as we were loosing too many jigs and everybody was convinced that there was no chance of actually landing one of these brutes. Besides that we were all very sore and a couple of sharks had moved in.

I had been inspired to go on one of these charters after reading the article titled 'Jigging Hippo's' in last months edition of Sport Fishing Magazine. If anyone can land one of these fish (the size of the one's currently there) I'll take my hat off to you. According to our Skipper the fish are getting bigger and bigger each year since the Commercial Operators have begun leaving them alone - much like the Yellow Tail Kingies in east.

One thing I don't recommend is to snag someone else's ear while on board. It is not a good way to make friends and will not prove to result in more fishing space. Unfortunately this hook was lodged right in past the barb and had to stay there all day until medical attention was sort. I was rather disappointed to see my hook walking away but hey, I guess I owed it to him.



I'm off to rest the back and arms. Get over here if you can. It's mental! Brett

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hey m8 im heading over to perth for a jigging week in december...if u dont mind me asking what charter operator did u go out on? did they give u spheros to fish with?



All charters will take you jigging as long as they are fully booked in order to make it worthwhile. Big boats are best so that a few people can jig at once.

Saltwater Charters are who I used. I don't think that you'll be able to make a booking with them until next year... Groups of Japanese have begun to arrive to use them here out. Other charters are 'Mills' and 'Ultimate'.

A group of Japanese went out today using all of the best gear on the market and again not one Sambo landed, and over 100 jigs lost (we stopped at 45).

Edited by plankton
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All charters will take you jigging as long as they are fully booked in order to make it worthwhile. Big boats are best so that a few people can jig at once.

Saltwater Charters are who I used. I don't think that you'll be able to make a booking with them until next year... Groups of Japanese have begun to arrive to use them here out. Other charters are 'Mills' and 'Ultimate'.

A group of Japanese went out today using all of the best gear on the market and again not one Sambo landed, and over 100 jigs lost (we stopped at 45).

What a battla!! No Fish but you managed to catch a bloke on board your own boat....classic. Well mate this really does prove the mainar curse! haha Just kidding mate. It sounds like you had an absolute cracker of a time and great report by the way, you must have been gutted you didnt pull one of those monsters aboard, well there always next time i guess. Give me a buzz when you get back, i'm keen to head out and target the infamous harbour kings again. Talk to you soon bud.

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What a battla!! No Fish but you managed to catch a bloke on board your own boat....classic. Well mate this really does prove the mainar curse! haha Just kidding mate. It sounds like you had an absolute cracker of a time and great report by the way, you must have been gutted you didnt pull one of those monsters aboard, well there always next time i guess. Give me a buzz when you get back, i'm keen to head out and target the infamous harbour kings again. Talk to you soon bud.

Sounds good champ. I know the capabilities of the gear now, so we'll pull the Kings in no worries. Just got to hook them first :biggrin2:

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I can't get these fish out of my head since reading your story, and I watched all the jigging videos on You Tube last night. I am definately going to go there and do what you did Plankton. I checked out the jigging master gear as well. It seems like you have to have specific gear for it. Looks like so much fun!. I can't even imagine fighting a fish that is bigger than me!.

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