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Largest Fish I've Caught...


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G'day raiders,

been chasing this fish completely unsuccessfully for 8yrs. Read countless articles and watched a fair few vids too. High tide at change of light before but not on the full moon; only fish the new moon; fish the run out in the eddies of a bridge pylon; after a storm, fish the division between the muddy and the salt, off a break wall even better; have your drag set to 1-3lb but no more and no less; don't expect bites right on high tide but in the first two hours after; change your fresh baits every 15mins(!) etc etc etc. on and on it has become like a schizoid voice in my head.

Recently, conditions seemed worth having a pre-dawn go at them with that rare combo of having time off work too! Landbased; a 'known' spot but because of the track a little difficult to carry in a bucket of livies into (which I did); high tide at dawn; and had squid frozen in it's own ink immediately after capture but 2 weeks old.

Threw out a wing on a 2 hook snelled rig, on my oldest, cheapest oufit - single ball bearing shimano with 30lb mono and a 9 ft $40 rod. Outfit would have been all up <$100.00. Only a few days prior I had been eyeing out certates and sols!

Will never forget that screaming drag and the rod buckled over - soon into the fight with it's heavy weight but undeniable head shakes and runs knew it could only be one species (even though I had never caught one - you get pretty good at telling when you've got an eagle ray, shovel nose or PJ on the line).


Went 83cm and 5 kg - apparently this is in the schoolie class. But almost a legit model. It had actually been the first time i had hit this spot. But had reconned it previously and marked it as a future endeavour.

Does anyone have opinions regarding barometric conditions and these fish?

Thank you to FR for allowing a place to blow your own trumpet but in a sort of anonymous way. Couldn't resist the brag after trying for so long!

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Fantastic...As a fellow fisho on a similar quest, congrats. You have done good. Rejoice now in the fact that you now belong to that rare breed, jewwie hunter. Now anytime conversation turns to fishing you can retell the tale of your catch whilst others will listen with envy.


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