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A Month Of Catching Kingies Everyday Landbased


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Hey guys, i havnt posted here in a very long time, as I was too busy fishing, but i decided to share with you guys what happened in the past month.

We managed to work out how to catch these kingies out from their usual hiding spots. And have been landing a kingy or two everyday, including once decent jewie.

It is suppose to be a long thread, but I decided to cut to the chase and show you the photos.

It was all caught in sydney harbour landbased. Dont ask me the spot as it is getting closed down soon.

Our season started like this......

Day 1 (December 12th)


70cm kingie

Day 2



Day 3

66cm kingie, no photo

Day 4


55cm kingie on stickbait (released)


a bigger kingie pulled the hook on the stickbait.

Day 5


70 and 75cm kingie on Xmas Day

Day 6


Weighed it and it was 6.5kg @ 92cm on Boxing Day !

Day 7 (january 5th)


70cm & 75cm kingies landed after 1 hour of fishing.

Also lost another kingy, and 1 BIG jewie, bigger than the last one.

Day 8


73cm king

Day 9 (Jan 8th)


72cm kingie and a mate lands a 76cm one, no pics of his one though.

Day 10 (10th Jan)


72cm kingie, lost 3 other kingies to structures.


some guy lands a 45cm surgeon, we gave up on them after landing a fair few of those sizes in spring.

Day 11 (13th Jan)


70cm landed today, one of our mate's first landbased king. Well done.

Hope you enjoyed the thread as much as we did fighting these kingies. We got a handful of people onto a landbased king for the first time, and they all enjoy fishing now. =)

Last year we were fishing for nilch, hook up after hook up but only landed 1 out of 100 hookups. But we had our trial and error for a whole year or 2 and managed to get them now. However we wont kill our limit with our new found skills. I'm probably going to release anything thats under 70cm now... I dont know where the 60cm models went.

Credit goes to my friends and I for being such dedicated fishos with a job haha.

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yeah pity the spot is closing down

not all kings were caught on plastic

we've only landed 2 rats in that spot the rest are mostly 70cm

spirit fall you had forgot to mention the 95cm kingy that was so strong it had broken my reel handle hahah

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Day 12 (14th Jan)


70cm caught by drkcld, background is not accurate.

Dammmmmmmmmmm this fella must be butt ugly to have his face totally blanked out :1badmood:

If you dont want to post where you caught the fish,thats fine.

Please dont put stupid pictures on this Site as it just wastes everyones time.


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Well done,

This site is about sharing your experience, NOT bragging!

In fact I reckon we have had enough of this crap wasting our bandwidth

Both people now :banned2:

Anyone else wanting to post pics with elements blacked out or photoshopped will get the same treatment.


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Funny thing is that there is actually a brag board forum on this site where people are able to post content-free pictures of their catches to their heart's content.

Glad to see that the mods are working hard to keep the fishing report forum full of actual reports!

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