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Sydney Harbour 22/01/09


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Hi Guys,

Thought it might be a nice way to bring up my 1000th post with a successful fishing report.

Hit the harbour today out from Roseville at 530 solo as none of my mates were keen on getting up early.

Got some new squid jigs in the hope it would end my drought, but of course tried 5 spots to no avail, was only going to be out until about 9 as i was meeting mates at clontarf so i got sick of squidding and was about to go on the prowl for some surface action. What do you know as i'm leaving salmon pop up infront of the boat. First cast bang into a nice Sambo


Followed the school around for quite a while and picked up about 10 salmon and 10 big tailor, some of the hits from the salmon were enormous and just great to watch, they went down but i spotted the school a few hundred metres away and was back into them on my own for a bit, then about 5mins later the other boats caught on and got into a few before the school went down for good.

Had a tip off from a couple of guides i'm mates with of where the kings had been, so went around for a look, some birds sitting around not doing anything, annoying as usual indicating that the fish were not there, so i was about to go drop some baits at quaratine when in the distance i see a frenzy of birds, raced over there, kings cruising on the surface, much in the same fashion that they'd been impossible to hook on a few weeks ago, 2nd cast though and i'm into one, after a good fight and about 6 pathetic net shots i finally got him in the boat.

Now i don't really like blatantly giving away locations but the picture i got with this fish was quite a remarkable one and too good not to post i think. I don't think the fish will be there again much as they moved in and out very quickly.


The school moved off and i picked up one more. I cruised around for a while looking for some more action on my way to clontarf but didn't see anything, so i decided to go have a flick at a marker or 2 on my way.

Knowing the curiosity of kingfish i went close to a marker and wizzed past making a lot of splash and commotion then quickly got back in position and ripped a sluggo back past it, 3 fish follow it immediately and then next cast i'm on another nice fight and this time into the net first shot.


Got one more after this and then went and met my mates at clontarf for a bbq and some touch, one of the best days i've had in a while.

All fish were released as well, kings were just rats and i'm not a tailor/salmon fan.



Edited by Josh88
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Nice sesh there Josh.

The schools have beeen popping up in that bay but usually pretty shy.

Out the front of Rushcutters and Potts Point they seem less spooky and even more pods threw the area plus a few more kings thrown into the action.


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Congrats on your 1000th post and especially the fish well done!

Was just watching the old S****E Z**E DVD with Kingies, might have to try and give them a shot one day.

Like you Josh I have the environet which I find VERY hard to handle solo fishing dragging the net through the water to the fish and holding onto the rod is very difficult. Plus I find my trebles keep getting stuck in the mesh and are very hard to get out or take a lot of time.

Was thinking of getting one of the new Berkly rubber mesh ones................

Happy Days Josh!



Edited by DarkHorse
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Nice work , there are some good fish in the harbour :thumbup:

Was a bit of a non-believer after Sunday :(

Congrats on the 1000 posts

Nice work , there are some good fish in the harbour :thumbup:

Was a bit of a non-believer after Sunday :(

Congrats on the 1000 posts

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Wow, very aesthetically-pleasing kingie with Opera House shot :) You should send that to the tourism board or something ;)

I recon shots like that one advertised in the right places would bring in more tourist $$ than any proposed marine sanctuary.

Another good report josh :biggrin2:

Mate,what can i say...fishing in the morning..bbq lunch with mates..some footy in the arvo.

Now that's a day well spent! :thumbup:

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