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Georges River 2.2.09


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Head out with Dad from the Georges river national park at around 6.30 am

for those who remember , we won a couple of vouchers for tackle last week

we stocked up on the Squidgy pro series

headed out towards Alfords pt bridge and flicked some critters for little pickers

Dad was still not convinced with the squidgys and opted for his blade,which has been working

drifted under the bridge and Dad gets a nice Breambo

got further downstream and had to motor through the zig zag channel

under the power lines now and casting again , I change to a small wriggler and apply the S factor

a couple of casts and I'm on big time , shame it's 3 pound line

ten or so seconds of heart racing fun and it bites through the plastic , was a nice Jew for sure

Dad puts on a flick bait and s factor to give it a go

after 15 minutes or so he is not saying good things about squidgys then next cast


his 4 pound set-up is screaming , hows them squidgys now Dad ?

after a great couple of runs and a heart stopping moment round the outboard , my fault

dad lands yet another Jew , he has been getting one every trip lately


after what seemed hours , but wasn't , i finally boat a fish , a good Flounder at 30 cms

we keep going back to the same drift hoping for another Jewie

a bloke near us is having engine trouble so we go over to offer advice

he decides to anchor up for a while and have a fish so we drift past him

after dad's fish i change rods to my 6 pound setup and i'm glad i did

put on a bigger wriggler and cast it out

3rd or 4th cast and there goes that sound again ZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG

this is a better fish and i can tell it's a Jew , even though i've never caught one

1st run is a screamer and as its getting nearer to us its off again

and again

finally Dad does a beautiful net job and I've got my first Jewie


went 75 cms so for a first , i'm stoked


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There's no doubt about you and your dad robeebee. You both nailed it again!

Congratulations on your first jew too. At 75cm you certainly have every right to be stoked!

Fantastic report. A great read.



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good work on those jewies, i fish around that area, Illawong, havent tried the Alfos bridge yet even though we always pass it on the way to illawong, do you happen to know if the alfos bridge is accessible landbased ?

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Great stuff Rob! :thumbup: Two beautiful looking fish. I have yet to nail one on plastic yet :mad3: What sort of depth were you chasing them in mate?

Great photos and report. Regards to you Dad on his continuing jewie success! :thumbup:



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Well done on getting your first jewfish on soft plastics Robeebee! Good effort mate :thumbup: , that's a pretty good jewfish your Dad caught on the light gear too! I'll bet he has one eye open for more of the same next session ay!! .....I wonder if you will stick to the light bream gear or allow for the chance of striking some very big jewfish up there and get larger size sps and up the line class to suit..... If it was me I'd set a big fish bait out the side somewhere and tell the sp blokes that I wanted to check the hooks on the rays I caught last time. :D

I'm sure you and your Dad will spend more time in that spot mate, as there would be a hole in the vicinity that the school goes back to after they've had a go at the fry........ Jewfish are one of the fasted growing species and the fingerlings they released would be around that size now. Things are looking very good this year and we are likely to see an influx of larger jewfish going into the upriver parts of the Georges just like they have in the past.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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  • 1 month later...

good work on those jewies, i fish around that area, Illawong, havent tried the Alfos bridge yet even though we always pass it on the way to illawong, do you happen to know if the alfos bridge is accessible landbased ?

Yes Raii,

You can access the bridge landbase. i have been there with 2 kids.

If you want to go, I can take you there.


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