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hey guys...

went for a fish in botany with a fellow raider this morning.. launched the boat at 4am from cooks river, and went straight to molineaux point for some livies... after about 30 mins of those annoying mado's, we finally found the yakkas.. we left there with about 15 yakkas in the tank...

this is where my report starts to suck... down rigged a yakka just off mollys point, nothing! sent down some pillies, nothing! squid, nothing! prawns, nothing! about 5 different kinds of plastics, nothing! poppers, nothing! tt blades, nothing! down rigged some more, nothing! yarra bay, nothing! bare island, nothing! watts reef, nothing! decided to try the east fad, nothing! (by nothing, i mean the bloody fad wasnt there..) trolled some little skirts in the hope of some striped tuna, nothing! down rigged another livie, nothing! just sent a livie down the bottom while anchored, nothing! tried the sand flats closer to shore for some flatties, nothing! tried every bloody rig you can think of, with different line classes, mono and braid, nothing!

went home with..............NOTHING...! nothing, nothing, nothing...

sorry for making you guys read this pathetic post... i was ashamed to call myself a fisho today...

Jeff, it was great catching nothing with you today brother... the good company made up for it though..! thanks heaps mate... maybe next time, we can catch one of those tiny little annoying snapper?? or even some freaken seaweed??



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The report about nothing.

Mate you might have caught nothing but your report gave me a little chuckle. :074:

Did u check your mates bag for a banana, :1prop:

Sorry to hear about your day of catching nothing, there was a show

on tv about nothing, the producers made millions.

Lots of us go out for a fish and come back empty handed, you just had the guts

to write about it. Nothing wrong with that.

Best of luck next time. :thumbup:


Edited by penguin
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Hey mate, had the same day trolling for Marlin today, went bloody everywhere, from the heads out off the shelf some 25kms over to Longy, back down to Botony, not a single run or even any bait schools, water was cold too. Just as we headed back into the harbour a 500m patch of slimies errupted on the surface being smashed by a pod of dolphins, that was the highlight of the day, but still what a beautiful day it was and at least we got out there.

Cheers, Tobe

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..........this is where my report starts to suck... down rigged a yakka just off mollys point, nothing! sent down some pillies, nothing! squid, nothing! prawns, nothing! about 5 different kinds of plastics, nothing! poppers, nothing! tt blades, nothing! down rigged some more, nothing! ............went home with..............NOTHING...! nothing, nothing, nothing...

.......sorry for making you guys read this pathetic post... i was ashamed to call myself a fisho today...



:Funny-Post::074: Sorry Kiro Very promising session :thumbup:

A day out on the water with everything going wrong plus a day of nothing, nothing and more nothings and a night sitting marooned on top of a bombora and finally sinking is described in many similiar posts as a good day out just catching nothing while really enjoying taking in the whole waterway at once :lol:

Top bloke that Mario friend of yours Kiro thank him for me and for shirl :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Kiro

Don't feel to bad mate we had the exact same Day up here out of Broken Bay. Hit all the spots we smashed it two weeks ago. We had the livies in a matter of minutes 12 in total and relesed 11 healthy specimens at the Lions park boat ramp 7 hours later. ABSOLUTE SHOCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Better luck next time


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Hey Mate

im now at work and couldnt get around working as yet. But still thinking of the NOTHING that happened to me last sat that passed.

My nothing started like this

1) 4 days during the week trying to catch fresh squid for Plan B squid fishing

2) After packing the boat and rigging up we left the house at 4am with 2hrs sleep

3) on the water by 6am launching from Pittwater we tried our squid location - only managed to get 1 squid

4) Tried for live yellow tails only to get none as they were all getting eaten by trumpters or sweep.

5) trolled the squid we got from the week before and our live squid - nothing

6) unexpectantly our live squid got smashed but the whole squid was gone - no fish

7) Fished some more trolled, anchored, drifted - nothing

8) Tried prawns and nothing

9) Squid strips on lighter tackled - nothing

10) After seeing another fisho catching 4 kingies 5 meters away we got motivated but nothing touched our baits.

11) Got more fuel and headed out to Umina beach for flatties - nothing

12) Head to lion island - and nothing again excep throw backs

13) NOw got some yellow tails

14) Fresh yellotail bait and tried our kingie location again, and nothing

NOThing nothing nothing was experienced by me too.

Im now so flat from the weekend i seriously considering giving up. But i think a 2 week break may help me recover.

Dam i feel you, sure sucks big time!

Frustrated to the MAX!


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Hey Mate

im now at work and couldnt get around working as yet. But still thinking of the NOTHING that happened to me last sat that passed.

My nothing started like this

1) 4 days during the week trying to catch fresh squid for Plan B squid fishing

2) After packing the boat and rigging up we left the house at 4am with 2hrs sleep

3) on the water by 6am launching from Pittwater we tried our squid location - only managed to get 1 squid

4) Tried for live yellow tails only to get none as they were all getting eaten by trumpters or sweep.

5) trolled the squid we got from the week before and our live squid - nothing

6) unexpectantly our live squid got smashed but the whole squid was gone - no fish

7) Fished some more trolled, anchored, drifted - nothing

8) Tried prawns and nothing

9) Squid strips on lighter tackled - nothing

10) After seeing another fisho catching 4 kingies 5 meters away we got motivated but nothing touched our baits.

11) Got more fuel and headed out to Umina beach for flatties - nothing

12) Head to lion island - and nothing again excep throw backs

13) NOw got some yellow tails

14) Fresh yellotail bait and tried our kingie location again, and nothing

NOThing nothing nothing was experienced by me too.

Im now so flat from the weekend i seriously considering giving up. But i think a 2 week break may help me recover.

Dam i feel you, sure sucks big time!

Frustrated to the MAX!


Spewin brother... fellow raider Bolts didnt get anything either... maybe we should all meet up and get trashed?? and then we can come up with one killer report about how we each caught 30 yellow fin tuna inside botany bay? :1prop:

whos in?

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we were on the bay too. i think you trolled past us at Mol point once. My boat is the poo coloured one with the fishraider stickers on the side.

We tried north head, south head and mol point with a live lollipop squid and tiny yakkas for nothing.

I even cast an unweight squid strip in the berley trail for not even a nibble on the strip.

it was one of those days when everything else went to plan except the fish.

dont think the green frog charter boat got any either.

back at the ramp at 1030, just before the jet ski brigade. At least that went to plan.

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:05: Hi . we went out Sunday morning as well and it was very quiet . I only hooked one good sized bream all day , which decided to spit out the bait and hook boatside (frustrating) and a couple of small whiting.

Did catch a vey nice blue swimmer crab which will be Monday's night dinner but as the rest of the team have already said " the worst days fishing still beats the best day at work" and Sunday was a great day out on the water.

Cheers Bill.

Edited by Suttons Curse
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Kiro we had the exact same day you had yesterday, these days just seem to come around sometimes.

We have been catching kingies reguarly recently and was confident enough to invite my cousin for a session on the kings yesterday. First part went well with 7 squid in the live bait tank and then absoluely nothing after that. I have never downrigged so much in my life for nothing, was a shocker and what made it worse was my cousin hasnt yet to experience a kingie run. Next time though.

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