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The Hump (stanwell Park)


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Hi All,

It's been a while since I last posted a fishing report, but here goes….

Fishing Event Date: Sat, 21 March 09

Fishing Location: The Hump (out the near Stanwell Park)

ETA @ Fishing Location: 0700

Departure - Boat Ramp: Greys Point

Got out of bed at 0300 to what was forecasted to be a magnificent day on the water. Peaked out the windows and the sky's looked good… Arrived at boat ramp 0445.

0500 put boat in water and commence our journey through a light rain drizzle. Arrive at heads (near Jibbon) and it looks really dark and scary out on the horizon. Back the throttle off and we sit in idle. The water was dead calm… Within minutes it start to piss-down rain and I'm thinking where did this come from…!!! So I decided to wait until day-break and suss things out a little more. Check weather report online again. All looks good. Come daybreak the rain eases and the dark sky's commence to separate. Set nav to destination point, change to "highway" view and we're off….

Arrive at The Hump around 0700. Armed with pillies, live slimy mackerel, mackerel fillets and soft plastics, two (2) lines are sent to the bottom, two (2) lines are sent near the bottom and one (1) live mackerel is sent out on the baitrunner (free spool). The waiting game commences…

The next 2 hours are actioned packed with double hook-ups and screaming spools… A variety of fish are landed, snapper, nanigy, sweep, slimy mackerel and mahi mahi (dolly). Yes, you red right mahi mahi at The Hump…. We caught approx: 10 snapper, 4 nanigy, 6 sweep, 3 mahi mahi and 6 tones of slimy mackerel. All fish bar 2 snapper and 2 mahi mahi were returned to the drink to either fight another day or send their bigger brother/sister.

Headed back towards Cronulla to my flathead ground for nada (nil). Into Port Hacking, to my squid ground, and nada. Tried north of Lilli Pilli, and nada. Back to boat ramp and home by 1430.

That evening after everything was sorted (boat cleaned, fish gear ready for another battle, tummy full, etc) I got an invite from neighbour across the road (he makes his own beer) to join his social club for a game of Poker… Even though I was a wreck, a ride-off!!!, where there is beer, ciggies, beer, $$ and good company, I'm there…. However, I lost $90.00 in the game. At 0200 I stubbled across the road towards home thinking "I'm still a winner because I went fishing today…" Tight lines!!!

PS. Maybe not 6 tones of slimy mackerel, closer to 20 - 30 fish….




Edited by choteo
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Well choteo, I reckon you had a top day alright! :thumbup: Fishing, and a good night with some mates! I wouldn't have made it. I aways crash after a days fishing now. (I'll blame it on old age - both mental and physical) :wacko:

Great mixed bag. Dollies at the hump too! Who'd have "thunk" it? They were probably searching for the missing Port hacking FAD. :biggrin2:

Good on you getting a few snapper. I've never managed to catch any there.

What depth were you fishing and did you drift or anchor?

Great report.



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Well choteo, I reckon you had a top day alright! :thumbup: Fishing, and a good night with some mates! I wouldn't have made it. I aways crash after a days fishing now. (I'll blame it on old age - both mental and physical) :wacko:

Great mixed bag. Dollies at the hump too! Who'd have "thunk" it? They were probably searching for the missing Port hacking FAD. :biggrin2:

Good on you getting a few snapper. I've never managed to catch any there.

What depth were you fishing and did you drift or anchor?

Great report.



Snapper were caught on the outside of the Hump in 48 - 50m. The other fish were caught over the middle. We were drifting.

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this is more of a question than a reply...although it looks like your day was not to bad anyway...

it was a great report....Just woundering where abouts is greys point ramp? and when you said Stanwell Park? Is that Stanwell Park beach? How far is this ramp to there?

i was thinking of going to fish the coast from Belambi up to Stanwell Park beach.. But I would like to put in a bit closer to Stanwell park beach..anyhelp would be great... :beersmile:

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this is more of a question than a reply...although it looks like your day was not to bad anyway...

it was a great report....Just woundering where abouts is greys point ramp? and when you said Stanwell Park? Is that Stanwell Park beach? How far is this ramp to there?

i was thinking of going to fish the coast from Belambi up to Stanwell Park beach.. But I would like to put in a bit closer to Stanwell park beach..anyhelp would be great... :beersmile:

when i head down to the hump i use cronulla boat ramp usually takes around 40 minutes in flat water.

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big action packed day mate...

however that dollie pictured, unless you have hulk like hands, doesn't appear to be over 60cm.

FYI size limit on dolphin fish in NSW waters is 60cm minimum

Excellent attention to detail. My mistake… However key word above is “approx”.

I can assure you that all my fish including the snapper and dolly seen on this post were released by me. I very rarely keep my fish.

After consulting with others fishing on the day (3 others), it turn out 3 dollies were caught. 2 were kept by others and one was released by me. Hope this clears things up.

I have update the post above to avoid further confusion. Thanx.

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this is more of a question than a reply...although it looks like your day was not to bad anyway...

it was a great report....Just woundering where abouts is greys point ramp? and when you said Stanwell Park? Is that Stanwell Park beach? How far is this ramp to there?

i was thinking of going to fish the coast from Belambi up to Stanwell Park beach.. But I would like to put in a bit closer to Stanwell park beach..anyhelp would be great... :beersmile:

I don't know the exact address of the boat ramp, but I believe there is only one in the area facing Port Hacking

Yes, Stanwell Park Beach

From Jibbon (South Head) approx 23km south.

Hope this helps...

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