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Lake Lyall


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Hi all,

Following some great advice from some of the fishraider members, we headed out to Lake Lyall with my mum, dad and sister for a family fishing trip (something we haven’t done for about 5 years).

We arrived around 7.45am and set up all the rods. We started off with a combination of rigs, including setups with both sinkers and floats. After about 10 minutes the bells started to jingle (such a sweet sound) and the rod went off. After a short fight I landed a nice 35cm rainbow trout. Pretty good start to the morning :)

Another 20 minutes later I had another strike and landed another beautiful little trout which (lucky for her) was just under legal, so back she went.

After this excitement, mum finally decided to grab a rod and give it a go (the first time she’s actually tried to fish, she’s usually happy to just read a book). After a few snags, and about 4 times of re-rigging her line, mum pulled in a great looking rainbow, just over 25cm. I have to admitted she did look pretty impressed with herself.

At this stage we decided to change the bait on all the rods to garden worms as they wouldn’t even look at the Powerbait or Tassie Devils.

After my mum caught her fish, my sister decided she’s get up and also give it a go. Just after her second cast, I all heard was “I’VE GOT A FISH!!!!!!”. She managed to land a 33cm rainbow.

It slowed down for a little bit and we got a visit from a very friendly fisheries officer. He checked out our catch, had a quick look at our licences and after a brief chat, he was on his way with no dramas. Two minutes after he took off in his dingy, the drag on my little 6’ rod starts screaming. After an exciting fight on my 4lb gear, i landed another rainbow, 32cm. Just as I was taking the hook off this fish, the bells on my other rod start ringing. I gave the fish to my dad and grabbed to ringing rod. Again, landed another rainbow, about the 33cm mark.

It was at about this point where my mum reminded my dad that he hadn’t caught a fish yet.

After about another 45 minutes the bells on my dad’s rod start to ringing, he gabbed his rod and set the hook. The fish put up a great fight and did a few fancy jumps in the air. He ended up going 34cm but was by far more solid then the 35cm fish.

We ended up leaving at around 1.30pm, with 7 decent fish and a few happy family members.

From our own observations and after chatting with the fisheries bloke, it looks like the trout aren’t really hitting the lures or powerbait at the moment. Garden worms seem to be the go at the moment (just a heads up for those heading to the social). On this note, you can actually buy live worms from the “café” next to the Shell servo at the Lake Lyall turn off in Lithgow.

Another big thankyou to the following fishraiders for their advice on fishing the lake :)







Pic of Dad


Fish :)


Fish (butter knife up top to give an indication of size).


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Seems you had a terrific day out with the family there nik. Great haul of fish as well. Good to see that mum caught a fish. Bet she was stoked. The photos where fantastic, and means you had your fresh fish for Good Friday.

This post is also useful to all those members heading to lake lyall for the social. Take note of what baits etc were used or recommended, this may come in handy in a few weeks time.


Mrs Flightmanager

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Thanks for all the comments guys. It really was a top day.

Mawso, I probably tried about 20 different Tassie Devils (no exaggeration either), I tried with 7g, 13.5g, and 20g in natural colours and bright pinks, orange, gold, you name it, without any luck.

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Thanks for all the comments guys. It really was a top day.

Mawso, I probably tried about 20 different Tassie Devils (no exaggeration either), I tried with 7g, 13.5g, and 20g in natural colours and bright pinks, orange, gold, you name it, without any luck.

Awesome catch of trout there mate, have fished that exact spot myself, got a PB of 43cms. Might look at heading soon, looks like it's starting to fire again. That servo and cafe is nice and handy for sure...

Are there any browns in lyell, we always seem to get rainbows?


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Just got back myself,we nailed 17 rainbows using power bait, worms & lures.

Sizes ranged from 25-44cm, all went back for the social.

Smallest fish that hit the lures was 38cm.

Must have seen 25 cops on the way there and back checking speeds.

The traffic on the way back home was amazing, seems like everyone went camping.


Roffo :beersmile:

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