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Pb Warf Based River Jew


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Hi All,

Started on Thursday morning at 3AM. Hit Gladesville area landbased and scored about 8 jew. All ranging around the 2kg mark. Action did not stop in 2 hours of fishing. Released a few and kept a few.

Next morning started at 3Am again. Hit another spot in Gladesville. Spent 30 minutes there and did not get any runs. So I thought I would move on o the Lane Cove river. Last weekend I scored a 4kg fish in there so I thought the fish should be large.

Got to Lane Cove just before 5AM. Through out 2 squid strips and a whole squid. Whilst I was half asleep walking around the warf, my FSU5120C loaded with a Stradic 8000 buckles and starts screaming. I ran over grabbed the rod and tussled for about 2 minutes. The fish went from side to side trying to find a snag to get me on. Finally got him close to the wark and it surfaced. F%^$* I knew this would be my PB landbased on a warf. Took my time as the fish was still GREEN and had the pilons in its site. First chance for a gaf shot and I screwed up - I did not lock the gaff and it popped out. Anyway whilst holding the fish I locked the gaff and set it into the fish. Brought the fish up and was VERY happy. My prior landbased river PB was 12kg and this fish was bigger. Took it home and it reached 15kg.



Last night went to Lane cove again. Got another 4kg fish and dropped another. The jewies are on the chew guys. Just get ready for plenty of small fish between the bigger ones! Good luck.

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Terrific river Jew!!!!

Some great sessions there mate. That's alot of schoolies you've been getting into.

Great pics of a great fish. 15kg is a top fish in anyones books.

Well done & congrats on the wharf p.b. :thumbup:



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Hey Pacemode

Excellent fish you got yourself mate. 15kg of jew and they started getting really thick round the shoulders at that size. :thumbup::yahoo:

Well done mate keep going, I wanna keep seeing the rewards.



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Nice landbased result Pacemode! You've certainly got that part of the harbour worked out pretty well! :thumbup: ..... It seems there are opportunities for decent size jewfish to be caught in the upper harbour sections at the moment.... I had an allnighter last night in one of the deepwater bays in the Hacking for mixed results including persevering for a good five minutes and managing to get half of my 350 metres of 80lb line back onto my largest spinning reel after hooking up an unstoppable that ran like the biggest and fastest shark that I'd ever wish to encounter anywhere particularly in a quite little part of an estuary where you go thru less than a metre of water between the markers on the way to a hole that I'm not familiar with, the details of the five minute fight with the unstoppable might be in John/Dogtooth's report.... We decided to fish that particular deep hole based on sounder showings alone and found there were prolific numbers of every form of baitfish you can think of including massive size slimies and pike, yellowtail and tailor blanketting that particular hole... The baitfish were highly active all night regardless of tide, but only down very deep .........Jim, did you find there were baitfish around most of the night up your way?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Super effort Jim, good to hear that your still on the scene, its been awhile between posts.

Thats one hell of an effort land based. :yahoo::1yikes:


Twin 1

Hey Marcel,

Been quiet as my wife gave birth to a beautiful little girl, plus been working heaps ... not to say I got addicted to catching just squid for some time.

Still have to take you out one day. Send me a message and I'll tee something up with you.

Thanks guys for all the nice comments..

Nice landbased result Pacemode! You've certainly got that part of the harbour worked out pretty well! :thumbup: ..... It seems there are opportunities for decent size jewfish to be caught in the upper harbour sections at the moment.... I had an allnighter last night in one of the deepwater bays in the Hacking for mixed results including persevering for a good five minutes and managing to get half of my 350 metres of 80lb line back onto my largest spinning reel after hooking up an unstoppable that ran like the biggest and fastest shark that I'd ever wish to encounter anywhere particularly in a quite little part of an estuary where you go thru less than a metre of water between the markers on the way to a hole that I'm not familiar with, the details of the five minute fight with the unstoppable might be in John/Dogtooth's report.... We decided to fish that particular deep hole based on sounder showings alone and found there were prolific numbers of every form of baitfish you can think of including massive size slimies and pike, yellowtail and tailor blanketting that particular hole... The baitfish were highly active all night regardless of tide, but only down very deep .........Jim, did you find there were baitfish around most of the night up your way?


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Jewgaffer - there was very little baitfish - which I like sometimes because the fish are more likely to take your bait - jew this size are found in the upper reaches nearly all year round. Sometimes there is too much bait in the water and you do not get a run -- my secret is - the water was nicely discolored, not even bream were around. I love this type of water for jew in rivers. In the Bays and around headlands I search for bait schools, different method.

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Thanks guys for all the nice comments..

Jewgaffer - there was very little baitfish - which I like sometimes because the fish are more likely to take your bait - jew this size are found in the upper reaches nearly all year round. Sometimes there is too much bait in the water and you do not get a run -- my secret is - the water was nicely discolored, not even bream were around. I love this type of water for jew in rivers. In the Bays and around headlands I search for bait schools, different method.

Jim, thanks for your reply.... I am a little a sore today after the long Hacking jewfish session I had last night....I am only a couple of days away from a major back operation on Wednesday and could hardly walk and had to be helped onto the boat and probably should not have gone even as a spectator, but I was invited by one of our best inshore and offshore pelagic fisherman John aka Dogtooth to come along in his boat and bring along a close friend of mine Cungee George with me......

I know what your saying , and I could not agree more about having more chances when the bait fish disappear.....I like it when there are baitfish around either down deep or at their general mid water to surface depth when I start fishing, however I like my chances better when the baitfish are only active for a while.....

I'm far happier when the baitfish and the general bite goes off anywhere in an estuary system...the lull period is the period when I feel I'm in with more of a chance than when baitfish are feeding consistently.... The problem is sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't happen for me when I settle in hoping it will happen at some time in the session and particularly in the Hacking.... Having said that, in my opinion, finding bait holding areas and looking for holes in bait balls, is more suited to fishermen who consistently get good results on estuary and off shore pelagics..


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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