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What An Awesome Long W/e. Vids Now Added


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hi guys,

well from the heading you can see im a pretty happy fisho atm...

friday took a mate out chasing kings and found some real hoody kings that peeled 5kg drag like it was freespooling,unfortunately we only converted the little rat later in the day...

better to fight and lose than not getting hits i recon and my mate has a new respect for kings...

now for today.. headed out with ross and emu on the good ship broadbill to chase marlin and tuna...

from the start it looked like an awesome day as the swell or lack of it flattened out the further we went..

saw a few pods of dolphins to amuse us till a few hours later spotted a sunbaking stripey...

we did a few laps but unfortunately he dissapeared...

kept going on and by noon we turned around and i would say we were way past browns..

half hour or so later we get a hit but by the time young peter gets in the chair hes gone...then bang the right corner goes off...

after a spirited fight a stripey of around 70kg is on the trace and self releases...well done peter...

we zigged and zagged with glenn hunter with billfisher joining us for no more hits but a free jumping fin around 60kg was spotted...

moved on and just before 3pm a stripey follows the left corner as i get ready he darts over to the right corner and nails the lure...

woo hoo im on........ after about a minute or so my back gives me drama but adrenaline and determination kept me going... he did a couple jumps at first then stayed deep mostley...

now this became a tug-o-war of inches to me and feet back to him...mmmmm.. im tottally knackered but keep going and emu traces him and i get the most beautiful sight as this magnificent creature tail walks the back of boat around the side nearly pulling emu overboard.. im in love i think...shhh hope the missus doesnt see this...

after alot more deep stubborn and me on brink of handing over emu traces it and releases the lure..wooooohoooo i won the battle against this beautiful magnificent beast of 100kg.. i was shaking from the edrenaline buzz and also on seeing it sooo close fully lit up...

ive got that species added to the list now and thankfully i won as i now realise my dodgy back is no match for these beasts...

i have to say thanks to the guys aboard and special thanks to emu the champion deckie and ross hunter who maneuvered the boat perfectly to help me land a dream fish..i couldn't of done it without that help thats for sure...

i am going to put vids on youtube and ill post screen shots when i can....

cheers...a very exhausted steve.......

Edited by roosterman
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Great read Steve.

That's a nice stripey at 100kg mate. They can be stubborn buggers at times!!

Good on you for hanging in there. It's not easy with a dodgy back, but mate, how good is it when you get it.

Congrats on your 1st mate. :yahoo:



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Awesome stuff Steve :thumbup:

That's an incredible experience mate and not something you're likely to forget in while (particularly with your back giving you hell). Thanks for the top report mate... I can hear the adrenalin in every line. You deserve a :beersmile:

Cheers, Slinky

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Well done on the striped Marlin Roosterman!!... No wonder you've got a sore back Steve...... at well over 200lb that marlin you caught in a session with Ross and Glen Hunter would finish up in the final of a weightlfting match :1yikes::thumbup: .......

I knew you were going out on Friday and when I received the news in the sms, I honestly thought you caught it trolling along the cliffs down from the Hacking on Friday.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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thanx for the kind words and while im waiting for the vid to upload heres a little preview..

not real good qual pics and doesnt do the fish justice as its a screen grabs from vid...




part 1 will be done by morning hopefully...

oh my aching back........ but what a way to go eh.......


Edited by roosterman
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