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Two Good Trips


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Managed to get out a couple of times since Easter with my mate Syd.

Trip 1.

We trolled along the cliffs for a couple of tailor and saw this bloke on the rock platform. Rather him than me.


We tried drifting for flatties, but jackets were everywhere and after much cursing and re-rigging we gave up and caught some yakkas and slimmies and put them out. Three times the livies were smashed and bitten off behind the head.



We saw one culprit, a small hammerhead. It even swam right up to the boat. (That's when I should have had the camera ready!!)

Syd noticed some big splashes so we headed off to investigate. From a distance it looked like a shark playing with a small penguin. Actually it was a couple of seals throwing a cuttlefish around. After about five minutes they disappeared so we grabbed the remains of the cuttlefish and cut it up for bait.



The flatties liked the cuttlefish and with the tailor we'd already caught, it ended up quite a successful day.


Trip 2.

A beautiful day on the water last week, but for the first hour or so we could only manage rays. I caught one big shovel nose, while Syd (alias "Ray-man") caught three banjos and one shovel nose. He also hooked a very lively gummy shark that gave him a great fight and eventually busted him off.




(I warned Syd that there would probably be a few "Deliverance" references when I caught him playing a "banjo")


(Don't you reckon there is a similarity?)

Here is a photo of one of those very rare fish, "a flying ray".


You never can tell what unusual sights you'll see out there on the water!

Unfortuately for me, Syd then started to smash me in the flatty competition. He ended up beating me 8 - 3.

However, I caught a ripper flounder which sort of made up for my lack of flathead.

The final catch




Syd holding my flounder.

All up, a great day. Can't wait for the next trip.



Edited by peterS
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Managed to get out a couple of times since Easter with my mate Syd.

Trip 1.

We trolled along the cliffs for a couple of tailor and saw this bloke on the rock platform. Rather him than me.


Wow :thumbup: Fantastic flatty haul, well done.

That guy on the rocks didn't look too safe with that wave breaking over the rocks, hope he's OK :1yikes:

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I wondered what you had been up to Peter, as I hadn't seen any of your usual banter on the forum of late. Looks like you blokes had a great time and managed a couple of feeds of excellent fish! Incredibly lucky to capture a shot of a 'flying Ray' :tease:

Great photos as usual mate. I particularly enjoyed the 'then' and 'now' photos of Syd! The resemblance is uncanny :074::074:



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Good session Pete :1fishing1: maybe a bottom trebbled needed on the crimped rigs mate?...... The bloke on the rocks might have been signalling for help or a potential bream bait going on the walk back ay....

By the way what's that thing being tranquilised by holding it at arms length by the nose in the fourth pic.... it looks like it's still yapping away and wanting to bite :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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G'day Pete, mate that was an enjoyable read, it had it all, drama, action, comedy and flying fish, you certainly got yourselves a good haul of fish and I reckon that flounder would have to go close to a Fishraider record..

Great read and great pics, congrats..


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Nice report mate, you guys did very well on the ol' flatties!

I must admit I laughed when I saw him playing the shark

Cheers, Joel

I just realised that most "young" Raiders (i.e. those under 50) wouldn't understand the "Deliverance" reference. I guess I'm just showing my age. I'm sure Jewgaffer could easily explain what the 1972 film "Deliverance" is all about.

Good session Pete maybe a bottom trebbled needed on the crimped rigs mate?...... Cheers


Hi Byron. I hope you're recovering well. When are you back fishing? Soon I hope. Regarding the rig you mentioned, we changed to a heavy duty wire snell rig because we knew we were dealing with some sharks (probably small hammerheads). The funny thing was that the livies (slimmies and yakkas) were still bitten in half with the "toothy critter" still missing the stinger. They're clever buggers aye.



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I just realised that most "young" Raiders (i.e. those under 50) wouldn't understand the "Deliverance" reference. I guess I'm just showing my age. I'm sure Jewgaffer could easily explain what the 1972 film "Deliverance" is all about.

Hi Byron. I hope you're recovering well. When are you back fishing? Soon I hope. Regarding the rig you mentioned, we changed to a heavy duty wire snell rig because we knew we were dealing with some sharks (probably small hammerheads). The funny thing was that the livies (slimmies and yakkas) were still bitten in half with the "toothy critter" still missing the stinger. They're clever buggers aye.



Thanks for your kind words Peter :thumbup: Been a big back operation mate and it's still early days as to my doing a session, I thought I'd beat the system and go off all tablets, tried and no way I can ease off these lousy painkillers just yet.........

I remember the Deliverance well and the early seventees were times when Shirley and I were invited to long dress parties to celebrate the arrival of someones wrought iron gate or the arrival of a kid that was the image of Dr Cyclops laid out on the food table and tupper nights where the hostess was always dressed up to score a sale one way or the other but she was so ugly and dressed up to the hilt that she looked like the Mikado with an overcoat on :D ... With the greatest admiration for the all round fishing ability of our old mate Pick-A-Box-Syd, the movie that naturally comes to mind is a black and white movie that stars Jerry Lewis playing the delivery boy in the Bellhop. :lol:

As to these so called clever buggers they could have been cuttlefish Peter and it might be worth going back there as if there weren't plenty of fish ready to eat them they would just about take over the Hacking or eventually develop legs and take up all the parking spots in Miranda Fair :biggrin2: .......

Looking forward to catching up with you and Syd but not just yet .... Shirl says I'm looking well but I don't know about that, I feel rather electricfied , dealt with, dishevelled and strained


What do you and Syd reckon you've known me for a while now with glasses on.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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:Funny-Post::Funny-Post::Funny-Post: Ah Jewgaffer, I love your replies, a good dose of useful information mixed with your clever wit. :thumbup:

G'day Pete, mate that was an enjoyable read, it had it all, drama, action, comedy and flying fish, you certainly got yourselves a good haul of fish and I reckon that flounder would have to go close to a Fishraider record..

Great read and great pics, congrats..

Cheers... (Ray)

Hi Ray. Loved the shots you’ve been putting up in the General photos section. Brilliant! I haven’t had a chance to reply, but keep ‘em coming! They are one of the first things I look for when I log onto Raider. As for that flounder, it went 35cm and was very thick. It’s under my pb which is 42cm I think? There’s a few photos of my best flounder up in the Brag Board section. They are one of my favourite fish to eat.


Good to see you got something off the seal.

Usually its the other way round.


That’s so true Shaune. Many a time a seal has stolen a fish off me. These two were having a great time playing with the cuttlefish. Actually, I’m not sure if they were seals or sea lions? Anyone know what they usually are off Sydney? Anyway, these were the biggest I’d ever seen, that’s for sure.



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I just realised that most "young" Raiders (i.e. those under 50) wouldn't understand the "Deliverance" reference. I guess I'm just showing my age. I'm sure Jewgaffer could easily explain what the 1972 film "Deliverance" is all about.

Hi Byron. I hope you're recovering well. When are you back fishing? Soon I hope. Regarding the rig you mentioned, we changed to a heavy duty wire snell rig because we knew we were dealing with some sharks (probably small hammerheads). The funny thing was that the livies (slimmies and yakkas) were still bitten in half with the "toothy critter" still missing the stinger. They're clever buggers aye.



mate that is one impressive haul there!

but i must correct u as im only 22 and im definitely familiar with ur deliverance referance, oink oink :1prop:



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mate that is one impressive haul there!

but i must correct u as im only 22 and im definitely familiar with ur deliverance referance, oink oink



Good one Simmo :074:

The Deliverance "piggy" scene scares me a lot more that Swine Flu!!



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Throw a stringer hook on that live bait rig. I hate short takes

Hi Anthony. There was a stinger on the rig. I still can't work out how they bit it in between the two hooks? Maybe the livies were too big. Most were around 30cm.



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