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Bait Spots Dry...


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Went to a couple of my favourite spots last night, started in the Balmain area. There were some big squid around but they wouldnt touch any jigs or the pilchard spike, they just kept roaming back and forth making me frustrated. Normally the spot I was at is a killer spot to collect both squid and yakkas. However last night there was barely a yakka to be seen which is weird because normally I collect around 30 of them easily??? instead all there was was heaps of pike... after catching a few and sending them out live and butterflied I had no action :thumbdown: . I finally caught ONE yakka and very soon after having him in the water he was hit by a decent flatty (53cm)


After not being able to get anymore bait I took the remaining pilchards I had to North Sydney and went to another favourite bait collecting spot. By the time I got there it was the top of the tide and I was keen to get some bait out for a possible jew having lost 2 massive runs a few nights ago. The first bait that I dropped in the water was hit by a yakka! woo things looked up! I sent the yakka out live and kept fishing for bait. Then it happened again for the next 3 hours there was nothing but pike!?! The yakka i had sent out got a decent hit and a short run but came back chopped in half :mad3: I was thinking about heading home with only 3 pilchards and no yakkas around when finally I saw a decent squid and jigged him up. I sent mr squid out live and within 5 minutes I had my first promising run of the night. After tightening the drag and giving him a tug I could tell it wasnt even a soapie but it still had some kick. When it got to the surface I thought it was an ok bream, but I brought it in and it turned out to be my first legal wharf caught snapper (32cm) nothing special but a first atleast.



As I was packing up a fillet of the last pilchard got hit and it was an ok bream same as the snapper at 32cm. A mixed bag is always good but seriously where are the yakkas? If i had more live bait I think I couldve got some decent fish as all the ones I caught were smashed within 5 minutes... pity but a pretty good night.


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You may not have caught much live bait .But you have to be happy with the ones you did catch and turn into some good table fish. :thumbup:

There has been many time when us raiders have come back with only the livies we have caught. :thumbdown:



Edited by aussie big bob
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That's the way sometimes Simmo, you have trouble getting bait, but the fish are there. Go figure?!? Anyway, at least you ended up with some nice fish. A good feed there.

what is a yakka?? let me know, maybe even put up a picture if you could.

5Star, This is a yellowtail or "yakka"




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......good feed simo mate with the efort your putting in it is only a matter off time

......think back to were you started and were your at now you have come a long way in a very short time mate

......cherrs gary

Yes Simmo certainly has come a long way in a very short time ay Gary considering he joined Fishraider only a few months ago......I just looked at Simmo's very first post which was only in January and I noticed you helped him along too... Good on you Gary!

Good fishing Simmo, some nice fish there mate :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Below is the post I'm referring too...

Hi there all!

You probably hear this a lot, but your site is great. Not only is it interesting and informative but the MODs actually listen and help out for a change!

Ive spent the last few days reading a lot of the posts here and found some good tips and advice which is great because Ive recently become addicted to fishing. :thumbup:

So heres where I need some help, im located in the Hornsby area of Sydney but have transport and happy to travel anywhere within 40km(I usually go to Brooklyn, Hawkesbury area). I dont have a boat but dont mind hiring a tinnie etc.

Itd be great if anyone could give some advice on type of bait, good areas, method etc.



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Yes Simmo certainly has come a long way in a very short time ay Gary considering he joined Fishraider only a few months ago......I just looked at Simmo's very first post which was only in January and I noticed you helped him along too... Good on you Gary!

Good fishing Simmo, some nice fish there mate :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Thanks a lot for ur comments everyone.

Yes jewgaffer, Gary has been an absolute legend and given me heaps of advice that I have attempted to take on board. Im totally addicted to fishing now, my social life and uni work is suffering but im having so much fun its worth it! Really appreciate all the help and advice from this forum and the members Ive met so far are all gr8 people.

Gary I reckon it wont be too long b4 I crack the jew code as the only 2 times I went out targeting jewies I had some monster runs. but I wont get my hope too high yet.



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