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Has anybody heard of any of the critters being caught yet. Cheers Laurie

Yeah, I've caught one once in Broken bay at Palm beach. I thought it was a snag but after pulling at it, it came free and thoought i was dragging some weed. When I brought it to the shore I knew what it was straight away. Nasty little thing with chompers on it. Even when i had on the shore it was still trying to bury itself in the sand, Looked and acted like a snake, made my skin crawl.

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i have never heard of this hairtail fish before

wiki didnt tell me much either

they look like an eel thing right?

whats the go with them?

im assuming a winter fish? good eating? where abouts are they caught in sydney? and what bait or lures do you use?

many thanks

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Hi All

Hoping the Hairtail will be in force next month. Have booked a houseboat for the Queens Birthday weekend specifically for them. Will fish for them at night and I will be also taking my boat for a fish outside or inside. Somewhere in between will try and get some sleep

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