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Very Windy Avoca

Ray R

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G'day Raiders, was up very early today hoping to beat the wind but it was still blowy early , :thumbdown: not bad enough to stop me fishing anyway, Mercer007 crept around early as well just before the rise of the sun.

We both through the big ones hoping for some quality fish, the wind made things difficult as it caused a huge bow in the line , however we were still able to see the bites, Pete got a huge hit but didn't hook up, then I got a good hit and run, picker up the rod and hit him, reeled in a beaut bream, he went 39cm's on the lie detector very happy with this one. Went a bit quiet then until Petes rod goes off and he nabs himself a little reddie, unhooked and returned, his next bait goes off again , this time we knew it was big and ugly by the way it sat on the bottom, he nearly reefed himself on the rock edge but pete outsmated him be going out to next outcrop of rocks and kind of pulled him back , this freed him and Pete landed a big banjo shark, I got the ook out , gave it a quick tune-up and he was ready to play like PeterS's report a couple of weeks back , couldn't resist to get a pic of Pete with his banjo on his own mobile camera.

About 7:00 am, decided it was time to chase some horsies so I walked up the rocks a bit , found a spot between other fisho's and started spinning, well it didn't take long before I was pulling in a

horsie I thought he was small and hoiked him back, must be bigger ones there, so I cast again , another small one, needed some fresh bait so I kept him, then another and another till I had enough, the young fella next to me wasn't doing so well and I could see his frustration with me catching and he not, gave him a couple of retrieving tricks and whammo he started getting them too, he started smiling then.

Went back to my original spot and the wind was realy howling now, Pete was chasing squid but no takers.

So there ya go that was the morning around windy Avoca, Mrs Ray R is very happy with her big bream, :thumbup: I've made some tasty bontito morsels up ready for a battering and the rest is salted and packed for bottom bashing baits...


The Catch

post-3371-1242451894_thumb.jpg Sundays Horsies post-3371-1242937512_thumb.jpg

A Nice 39cm Bream


Me and the big guy


Keeping an eye on proceedings


Nice Dentures


Edited by Ray R
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Sweeeet sesh mate. A feed for the missus and some bait for the freezer. That spot is continually producing something for you! :thumbup: Once again, some great closeup shots. Top breambo Ray



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Great haul today. Nice to see Avoca providing for the locals.

Thought i'd share this pic as well for the raiders.





Maybe we can get a band going here, someone playing the drummers, and how about a trumpeter.

Seriosly though it was a lot of fun there can't wait for tomorrow morning..


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Excellent work Ray and Peter! Great report!

I've got to print it for Syd to look at. He'll love it!

Maybe we can get a band going here, someone playing the drummers, and how about a trumpeter.

However, we may need to employ an old Italian bloke to keep the instruments in ... tuna!



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Excellent work Ray and Peter! Great report!

I've got to print it for Syd to look at. He'll love it!

However, we may need to employ an old Italian bloke to keep the instruments in ... tuna!



That got a huge burst of giggling from me, good onya Pete ..


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Nice looking bream there RayR....Bonito are good to catch on light gear and make good eating crumbed like you say or smoked..... The banjos usually only steal jew baits and are about as good to smoke as a bumper pulled out of a bath tub....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Thanks for the pms mate.....I hope to get up there one day

Edit A thoughtful and :Funny-Post: Bruce :thumbup:

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the young fella next to me wasn't doing so well and I could see his frustration with me catching and he not, gave him a couple of retrieving tricks and whammo he started getting them too, he started smiling then

Thanks again for a great report Ray - keep them coming. My FIL lived at Avoca beach for a few months last year and I regularly took him fishing on the beach (for mixed success) but we never tried the rocks at the south end. Sounds like we should have!

Re the quote above - you wouldn't be willing to share those "retrieving tricks" with a wider audience would you? Also - as someone who's done a lot of spinning off the stones and never actually caught a bonnie - I'm very interested in the type of lure you use for them? I've previously bought a few large pink spinners, having been told that bonnies llike the pink lures, but no luck as yet.

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Just a thought,but here's a couple of tunes they could strum.

Salmon chanted evening ?

A white cork float and a pink crustacean ?

Whale meet again???

Or maybe even , I did it Mulloway?????

Cheers ,

Bruce :beersmile:

Love your nom-de-plume bananaphobic.

Do you freak out when you're fishing buddy brings one on the boat? Over the side with both of them !

LOL - I love the tunes you came up with. Very creative.

You see what happens when you get a bunch of bored fishos together with too much time on their hands and they catch a banjo or two? They start a band...

One day, somebody is gonna plug one of those rays into an amplifier and start playing "smoke on the water..."

Love the humour, love the pics, keep it up guys. Laughter really is the best medicine....

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Great work Ray,

I don't think I have seen a trip of yours that you miss getting a good feed.

Great photos again, you're nearly knocking Hodgey of the roost for the best pics.



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Hi RayR,

well done on a nice bag of fish and some good pics. Why do you suppose they call them horsies? :huh:



G'day Sails, that would be because the bonnies are also known as 'HORSE MACKERAL' , so I guess many many years ago some fisho shortened it to Horsies and the name stuck..


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