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Massive Hawksberry Jew


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Saturday June 20th 9.00am, I allowed myself a sleep in, as my plan was to head up the Hawksberry in search of a Jewie on the calm of the low tide. As I'm driving the heavens open up forcing me to put the wipers onto high speed . Trying to look at the positive side I said to myself "At least there's no wind". (I can cope with the rain, but I hate the wind).

As I'm setting up, there's a break in the rain and I think

"Maybe the gods are with me today."

I put my Hobie Revolution 2009 on the water about 10.15 and headed towards my planned destination.

Low tide is due at about 11.30 and my plan is to specifically target getting onto a Jewie in the hour window 11.00 to 12.00 when the current isn't as strong.

I'm armed with a Loomis CR723 medium/heavy linked with a Calcutta 50 spooled with 15lb fireline and 20lb nylon leader.

I reach my destination and cast my Atomic 6"jerk bait (pumpkin disco) 3/8 jighead for the next half hour without a touch. The next cast after bouncing it along the bottom, I think “Oh well another dud cast”,and begin retrieving back to the yak.

Then all of a sudden WAK!!!as about 30mtrs of line peels off, I'm desperately trying to position my yak to give chase. Pedaling as hard as I can in the direction my line is peeling off i begin to think I am somewhat under gunned, then all of a sudden the line goes slack !%#* :ranting2: .

I feel that horrible feeling, I was onto something big and I will never get to see what it was (pulled the hook).

Trying to gather myself after the devastation I re-tie my leader knot, rain absolutely bucketing down I am now of the belief there is no god, or if there is he's a really cruel #%&*!%#.

Another half hour passes, casting without a touch, when suddenly WAK!!!!! ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I'm on again

“There must be a god “.

I again give chase, this time easing the drag a little more than I had done previously. After pedaling as hard as I can for about 500 meters, I look down at my spool to see how I'm going.(It doesn't look good)I have about 20 meters of line left . The decision has to be made to tighten up the drag or risk being spooled on the next surge of the run. I reluctantly tighten the drag and manage to get about another 20 meters back on him. I try and put a bit of pressure on with my loomis buckled over to almost maximum load, it seems to have no effect whatsoever. I am seriously under gunned and whatever is on the other end of my line is definitely of humungous proportions.

Half an hour passes of pumping and winding, pumping and winding. My forearm is aching with the constant pressure, while this monster of the deep tows me around the open water of the Hawksberry.

No one else in sight as the rain continues to bucket down. I have managed to gain all my line back, but whatever it is, it is determined not to leave the bottom 50feet underneath me.

The pressure is kept on and I eventually feel some slight movement upwards towards me. What starts as a small amount, then becomes a little bit more. What ever it is, it has finally given up the battle!

Ten meters to go and I look down in anticipation.

I see a very large dark shadow that turns into one of the most beautiful sights of my life. A 1.4 meter Hawksberry river Jewie.

As I look at it in complete and utter awe, I then realize I have a completely new set of problems, glancing across at my piddley set of boga grips.

Looking around at the rocky shoreline way off in the distance, I realise I'm gonna have to somehow try and get this 25kg monster on board. I reach into his gills and heave him up onto my chest. Thank god he was totally spent, because if he decided to kick around we would have both end up in the drink.

Trying to pedal back the 3km with a 1.4 meter 25kg jewie sitting on your lap is not easy!

My pedaling was somewhat restricted due to his tail continually getting in the way and there was no way I was going to loosen my grip on his gills.

With about 1km to some guys came motoring up behind me in their yacht and looking down at me with very stunned faces offered me a tow back to the ramp. I was absolutely nakered, so I gladly accepted the offer. I finally got back to the ramp with jewie on board threw my hands in the air and looking up to the heavens thought

“The fishing Gods were with me today!!”. :thumbup::yahoo::thumbup: .

I won't be able to wipe the smile off my face for at least a month.

The beauty of this magnificent fish was just awesome, and I was quite saddened to have to take him.

If I was to release him, he was that spent, there was no way he could have possibly survived.

Final weight clocked in at 30kg, and measured 1.41metres (4ft71/2inches in the old scale).

Longer and heavier than my 8 year old daughter.

Salami was right, the photo’s although good, don’t really do the fish justice. (just massive in the flesh).

Where did I catch it? The answers the same as any good jew fisherman would give“Somewhere in the Hawsberry “.

One main fishing principle I am pleased to pass on, that applies to all fishing is “Big fish get big, by using the least amount of energy to get the most amount of food”

Thanks to all for the wonderful comments on Salami’s previous thread.

Gary (Jewmaster)

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Top 1st report mate.

That's a fantastic fish no matter how it's caught but to get it on a placcie from a yak is very special indeed.

Congrats on an awesome capture. :thumbup:

Looking forward to some more of your reports.

BTW, :1welcomeani: to the site.



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Good read. A well written report.

Well done on the fish of a lifetime. I've spent hours and hours on the River looking for a Jewie that big.

Have you caught other Jews similar in size before or is this the first one?

Thanks and well done,


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Hi jewmaster :1welcomeani: Welcome to Fishraider

Thank you for providing us with such a remarkable episode of a man going out in a yak in the pouring rain and a pulling a 30kilo jew out of the Hawkesbury.....Having thought out a spot to suit the stillwater period and looked for water that would suit both the yak and the jew, it seems perseverence and sheer determination on both parts made the meeting between that big jewfish and yourself something that was destined to happen... :thumbup:

Great effort and excellent reading....


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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:1welcomeani::1welcomeani::1welcomeani: to Fishraider, Gary!! So good to see your report up at last! :thumbup::yahoo:

Those who missed the inital report of Gary's terrific catch (back when we were wondering ..... who is this man???) can see it here


What an awesome report, Gary! Shame about the missed/dropped ones, but hey! But the end result was great anyway!! A 30kg jew in the yak in fast flowing water ..... AMAZING!!

Look forward to reading of your next exploits too!! I've only caught 'widdle wons' so far on the Hawkesbury ...... but I don't think I'll be going out where you must have been on my widdle Hobie SPORT!! :wacko:



Edited by Roberta
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What a STONKER of a Jew.

Mate thats one of the best reports I have ever read.

Funny you mention that after the first run your line went all slack- the same thing happened to me on my first 10kg Jew in lane Cove and I was land based.

What a shock it is when you think its spat the hook and you start winding in then off they go again- only the 2nd run for me was harder and more powerful.

I know my gfrandfather nailed a 27kg Jew from a north coast beach and it run from one headland to the other- with a 70yo man running after it and his best mate in a 4wd driving along side giving advice- what a classic!!!!

Congrats on the catch, esp from a 'yak.

Am very, very impressed

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Hey Jewmaster

Me thinks your on line name should be Jew "God"

Absolutely wonderful feat particularly in the conditions.

Reckon it rates up there with the small marlin from a kayak feat that everyone knows about.

Your feat will not be forgotten by anyone for long long time.

And yes what a way to make first post :1welcomeani:

Revel in it for the next 20 years because I damn well would.


Trapper Tom

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