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Landbased Winter Salmon


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Had the day off work today so decided to go for a quick fish off the rocks at spot X in the eastern suburbs. I slept in so didnt get started til about midday but decided to have a go anyway...pulled the month old servo squid out of my fridge and got going...the swell wasnt too bad so i started to fish.. Caught a nice big leatherjacket which ill b having for dinner tonight.. after approximatly 1.5hrs my bait i through out one of the last pieces of bait and BANG!! my drag took off and and the line started to peel off the penn..I called a kingy..after about a 10 minute fight it surfaced to show that it was a massive salmon..i continued to fight it until it was tired out and then i had the task of waiting for a wave to wash it up onto the rocks...after numerous attempts a big swell finally washed her onto land..i couldnt believe it she must have gone 6 kilos easy and 70plus cms..sorry got no pics, spewin i didnt take the camera..anyway gave her a kiss and sent her back but definitely a PB for me and a great unexpected catch..must remeber to take a gaff next time

Cheers bandit :1fishing1:

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that's awesome stuff mate the salmon are great fish to catch and do fight quite like a kingy.

Must have been a fat bugger my biggest salmon was 74cm and weighed 3.3 kgs and even that was a fairly stocky specimen.

Well done mate that would have been awesome off the rocks :biggrin2:

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awesome, you always hook the unexpected big mother lover when your least expecting it. mustve been huge to be 6kgs. where bout in the eastern suburbs was it, i do alot of work around there and always looking for a new spot to fish after work

heres to you :beersmile:

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Thats awsome mate, And to land one of that magnatude off the rocks is extreamly rare. You obviously must know what your doing. I wish I was there as Im a novice and have never caught a slamon.I wouldnt mind going fishing with someone who can show me how to catch these mighty beasts. :(

Edited by jerryadams
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