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Excuses For Having A Sicky

scotty d

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its almost like a game sometimes trying to come up with excuses why you cant make it in to work. just wanted to hear some of your original excuses, hopefully some i havent used. there is always the old favourites like food poisoning, migrane etc and ive recently started a new job so thought i would try something different

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the key to having a sicky is getting some one else to ring up for you as your to sick to ring yourself[because your realy out fishing and you left at 4.00am] that way if the boss rings you through the day you were to sick to answer the phone[turn the moble off]

if you need an excuse say diarear as no one realy wonts the details off how bad it is and you can throw in dehighdration as well

my partner come boss knows me to well if i'm not there he calls it a fishky not a sicky

cherrs gary

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its almost like a game sometimes trying to come up with excuses why you cant make it in to work. just wanted to hear some of your original excuses, hopefully some i havent used. there is always the old favourites like food poisoning, migrane etc and ive recently started a new job so thought i would try something different

Try something real different like getting up everyday and going to do an honest day's work like the rest of us :wacko: I pity your new boss if you are already trying to wrangle sickies.............nah I won't go on.

Seriously, as a boss I have heard some very, very good excuses over the years. One person's father died TWICE. Many return from sick leave with wonderful suntans (complete with panda eyes) during the ski season.

When I was student nurse and if we called in with diarrhoea, we were made to come to staff sick bay and produce a specimen :biggrin2: and we soon got better.

Get to work scotty d and don't be an "ugly aussie" :thumbup:


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