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The Boys Are Back In Town


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Hey guys went for a kingy fish on sat inside Pittwater in an attempt to finally crack a fish on the Saltiga.... happy it was christened on a nice 95cm kingy which went like the clappers in 15m of water..... picked him up on a live squid and also my mate dropped a nice king as soon as he switched over to a 6lb leader from 30lb to try and get onto the bream which were also around..... needless to say as soon as his bait hit the water a sneaky king grabbed it and buried him into the bottom with about one minute.....

Good to see they are finally back in force! its been a long boring winter



Also picked up 2 nice bream around 37cm mark


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hahaha no u dont mate.... its not were you think it is!!


haha i no its not spotx

more like spot z

fishin has been that slow in pittwater of recent ive taken mental notes of every tree on the shore line

i no where that pic is taken

top fish

i guess u will be out on the water this weekend

see ya out there

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on ya kingy kid!!!! Lovely pitty king.

still trying to decide which is the better rig, the double single hook rig, straight for the top hook and Circle for the bottom or straight for the top and trebble for the bottom as the stinger. I know i have pulled quite a few hooks with the trebbles but i have found the hookup more frequent..... Havent pulled many circles but have missed a lot more fish.

What do you think?

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on ya kingy kid!!!! Lovely pitty king.

still trying to decide which is the better rig, the double single hook rig, straight for the top hook and Circle for the bottom or straight for the top and trebble for the bottom as the stinger. I know i have pulled quite a few hooks with the trebbles but i have found the hookup more frequent..... Havent pulled many circles but have missed a lot more fish.

What do you think?

hey mate i almost always use those stinger rigs for live squid with the sliding single and the treble at the bottom, i have never really had any problems with pulling hooks as i usually find that treble hald way down the kings throat.... the hook ups are more frequent aswel. I just used my jewie rig on that king with two snelled singles which dont slide.... this was only due to the size of the squid.... when im using the little squid i dont lke to run a huge treble in him i recon those kingies are pritty savy and when a big king like my one last weekend ate that little squid i recon he put alot of thought into it before smashing him.....

Also i feel a bit more comfortable put the brakes on to the max when i know im not using a sliding rig...

How the circles go on them?? i really like setting those hooks and i dont like waiting for the hookup haha i cant stay relaxed when ive got a fish on and have to get a strong hookup.

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